Part 8

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Jughead POV

When we got back to Betty's apartment Veronica was super drunk. Betty and I only had two drinks, but she had like 7. Betty dramatically sat down onto her couch with a loud sigh while taking off her heels. I chuckled at her as Veronica stumbled into Betty's room and immediately fell asleep on her bed. B-"I have to admit, I had more fun tonight than I was expecting." J-"see! We told you!" I said jokingly as I sat down next to her on the couch. Betty laid her head onto my shoulder and seconds later I felt her breathing slow down as she had fallen asleep. I moved us both to where we were laying down on the couch and I let myself fall asleep as well.

A little after we all fell asleep a loud alarm came from Betty's room. We both jumped as soon as we heard it, and then it stopped. V-"sorry! I set an alarm for Betty's album!" Veronica yelled from her room seemingly tipsy. Betty groaned and I chuckled as she laid her head back down onto me. Veronica came stumbling into the living room while rubbing her eyes. V-"well what are you waiting for? Turn on Spotify, and blast it through the speakers!" She said excitedly. Veronica and I really hadn't heard any of it. The only song i had heard was the one that I was apart of, but Veronica hadn't heard it at all. I grabbed my phone and connected it to the Bluetooth speakers that led through her apartment. I opened up Spotify and started the album from track one. Veronica was dancing around while Betty had gotten up to get some food from the kitchen. I followed behind her and while she was looking through her fridge she was humming along.

We had listened through three of the songs and Veronica and I couldn't stop telling her how much we loved them. When another song started I saw Betty instantly heat up and her breath was starting to be faster than usual. J-"you okay betts?" I asked looking over at her trying to look calm. B-"mhm" she said before rushing into the bathroom. I didn't follow her but instead focused on the lyrics of the song. V-"oh this is totally about y-you!" Veronica slurred out while laughing. V-"Betty you wrote a love song about Jughead!" She yelled out teasingly to her.

Betty walked back out trying to hide her face while walking back into the kitchen to get a glass of water. J-"betts?" I said after walking into the kitchen while the song was ending. Her face heated up again and she tried to avoid me. J-"don't-" B-"oh Thai is the one we did together!" She said trying to change the topic enough and walking back over to Veronica. Through the rest of the night Betty wouldn't make eye contact with me and when we had listened through the whole thing she and Veronica went straight into her room. I didn't try to bother her, cause I knew her well enough to know that she would come around to talking about it soon.

Betty POV

When I woke up it was really early and Veronica was still asleep on the other side of my bed. I got up and opened my door, slightly jumping when I saw Jughead asleep on my couch. I went into the kitchen quietly and started making pancakes and bacon for breakfast. While I was standing at the stove Jughead walked into the kitchen and got himself some water before sitting down at the kitchen island. J-"good morning" b-"morning" I muttered back. We sat in silence for a few minutes and I could tell it made him uncomfortable.

J-"betts, you don't need to stress over that song. It's not like I haven't written one about you." He said quickly and breaking the silence that I enjoyed in the early hours. My breath hitched as I heard those last words come out of his mouth. I turned around and looked at him surprised. B-"what?" J-"I'm in love with you Betty." Before I could say anything back Veronica came walking into the kitchen groaning over her pounding headache. V-"Do you have Advil or something?" She asked sitting down next to Jug. I looked at Jughead and then back at Veronica, before nodding B-"uh yeah, yes, I'll get it in a minute." I said before turning back around to quickly finish cooking.

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