Part 23

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Betty POV

J-"slut?" I scoffed at him. B-"oh so now you're gonna defend her. You know what? I'm leaving." I said angrily as I picked up my bags again and quickly got myself to my car. I drove to Claudia's apartment that was closer than V's. I knocked on the door teary eyed and when she saw she pulled me into her embrace.
C-"I'm so sorry" she said to me while rubbing my back. B-"it's not your fault." C-"but i sent the video to you." B-"I wouldn't have known if it wasn't for you." I said while my phone was blowing up with texts and calls from jug.

Jughead POV

I seriously didn't know what she meant with 'slut.' Yes I did have a woman at our house, but it was Veronica. There was a problem in her apartment and had no where to stay, so I told her she could stay here. I didn't tell Betty, cause I didn't want her to stress out over it all. Veronica and I weren't very close, but we became better friends over the time she was here. She was only here for a little over a week. Nothing happened between the two of us but I guess it seemed suspicious.

After giving up on contacting Betty, I texted Veronica to see what she's dealing with.
J-has betts talked to you?
V-no? Why would she?
J-well she found out you had been here and got mad
V-wait? Mad?
J-I think she thought we were hooking up
V-well did you tell her what happened?
J-I never got the chance. She was just yelling at me about having a 'slut' while she was away.
V-she would never say that about me
J-then wtf was she talking about?
V-the only person I've heard her call a slut is your ex.
J-she tagged me in a TikTok earlier
J-I never saw what it was, give me a sec

I went onto TikTok and saw the video of Jessica pretending we were together again. I remember when she filmed that along time ago, but I told her not to post it. I guess she decided that she could get clout off of me again, but all it's done so far is ruin my relationship. I quickly sent it to Veronica so she could see what was happening.

A few minutes later she showed up at my door. V-"I sped over here." She said, pushing me so she could get inside. V-"you should sue the bitch." J-"I wouldn't win, that'd be dumb. I just want my girlfriend to come back home." V-"where would she even go? She isn't at mine, and I was talking to Cheryl and she isn't there." J-"I bet she's with her new friend. They lived together during filming and I know she lives nearby." V-"well let's find it and go there!" J-"that's another awful idea. I just need to get in contact with her." V-"why don't you call her on my phone?" J-"can I?" V-"of course"

She handed me her phone and I quickly went to call Betty's contact. After a few rings she picked up
B-v you will never believe it! Jughead had that fucking bitch Jessica with him while I was gone! I mean what kinda douche bag!
J-ouch I guess it seems like I deserve that
B-Jughead? What the hell?
J-I swear I never saw Jessica while you were gone. Why I got so flustered was because Veronica had stayed here for a little over a week and I know I should've told you, but she was having problems with her apartment and it didn't seem like a big deal and I didn't want you to worry about it.
B-wanna explain the video?
J-I remember her filming that a few weeks into when she and I dated. It's from along time ago. I swear. Betts please come back.
B-I need to think

She hung up before I could say anything back and I was really worried. V-"well?" J-"she said she needs to think." V-"that's better than breaking up" J-"but it sounds a whole lot like a break up." V-"so far it's not" J-"so far?" V-"I don't wanna sugar coat it. It could end up with a breakup, BUT she did hear the real story, so she'll probably find some sources and then realize that she should come back. I know my best friend, and that normally how her 'I need to think' goes." I sighed heavily and fell onto the couch.

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