Part 27

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Jughead POV

J-"Betts, Cheryl and Toni will be coming later for dinner." I said as I saw her working on something at the table. B-"mkay. Should I make something or order out?" J-"whatever you would prefer." I said kissing her cheek and sitting on the chair next to her.
B-"I kinda want Chinese food tonight." J-"I'll call the place later for you." B-"thank you" she said quickly kissing me and then looking back at the papers in front of her.

Thirty minutes before Cheryl and Toni were gonna get here I called the Chinese place and made a big order so that everyone would have something to eat. I walked back into the living room and saw Betty laying down on the couch looking through Hulu.
J-"foods ordered. Cheryl and Toni should be here soon." B-"I'm out of Bachelor episodes." She whined making me laugh. She shot me a look and I shut up before she would kill me.

There was a knock at the door and I went up to get it, seeing the two expected guests. J-"hey guys! Come on in." They went over an talked to Betty while she was setting up the table. I watched her in awe but got snapped out of my trance by the delivery guy. I paid him and then brought the food into the kitchen. I heard the girls laugh at something and smiled hearing how happy Betty sounded.

Cheryl POV

Toni and I pulled Jughead into another room after we had eaten and at the same time we both said
T&C-"you need to tell her now" J-"she looked so happy tonight, I don't wanna ruin that." I smiled sadly at him. C-"it's only gonna get worse the longer you wait." T-"and we'll be here to make sure everything goes well."

He ran his hands through his hair as he sat down on the bed. J-"what if she leaves me?" C-"I know my Betty, and she is head over heels for you. I doubt she could last a week without you." J-"she left for over a month." C-"she was working. Also, you two were still in contact." J-"why did Veronica have to ruin everything."

B-"what do you mean?" We heard a voice cherp in. I saw the colour in Jugheads face drain. B-"did Veronica do something?" She looked over at me and Toni and she tensed up. She quickly stormed out and all three of us stopped her in the living room.

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