Part 21

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Betty POV

J-"are you sure you'll be okay?" B-"I should be asking you that." I said as jug was dropping me off at the airport. He chuckled and pulled me in for a kiss.
J-"make sure to call me as soon as you land." B-"I will Juggie. I love you." J-"I love you too. I'll see you soon." He said kissing me one last time before I left. I made my way through security and stopped to get some food before going to my gate. I got on the plane a little while after and it was a smooth flight the whole time. When I off of the plane I called jug but he didn't pick up. I didn't think much of it so I just left him a voicemail saying that I landed and I'd call him later.

I rented a car and drove to the apartment I'd be sharing with one of my cast mates. When I arrived I knocked on the door and a blonde woman opened with a smile on her face. C-"hi I'm Claudia! Are you Betty?" She asked putting her hand out to shake.
B-"uh yeah, it's nice to meet you" C-"it's nice to meet you too! Come on in, I'll show you your room." She said while opening the door a bit wider and stepping back so I could walk in with my luggage.

She showed me around quickly and then helped me bring my luggage in my room. B-"thanks claud"
C-"it's no problem, if you need anything don't be afraid to ask." She said before walking out of my room and into hers. I sighed happily and then started unpacking. I got a phone call and was super excited thinking it was jug. I saw the caller ID and was less excited when I saw Veronicas name. I sighed and answered
V-girl how was your flight?
B-it was good! The woman I'm sharing an apartment with is really nice too
V-don't replace me now
B-I won't v
B-I have to unpack more, but we'll talk later
V-okay! Bye B
B-bye v

When I finished unpacking I laid down on my bed and there was a light knock on my door. B-"yes?"
C-"I don't wanna barge in, but I'm gonna go get some food. Do you want me to pick something up, or do you wanna come with?" B-"I'll come with you. Get to know each other a bit more" she smiled at me.
C-"yeah! We can leave when you're ready." She said happily and then went to put her shoes on. I quickly jumped up and went out to her and when we both had our shoes on we went out to her car.

We were driving back late at night blasting music when I got a call from jug. B-"sorry claud I have to take this." I said while lowering the volume of the music and answering the phone.
B-hey jug!
J-hey baby, sorry I didn't answer earlier
B-oh it's no big deal
J-how are you?
B-good, it was an easy travel. You?
J-I'm good, I miss you, but I'm good
B-I miss you too, we'll see each other soon though
J-yeah I know. What are you doing right now
B-I just got dinner with claud, so we're going back to the apartment
B-oh yeah, I'm sharing an apartment with one of my cast mates. Her names Claudia
C-hi to whoever Betty's talking to
J-*chuckle* okay, well I'll let you two go back to it. I'll talk to you later love.
B-mkay love you
J-you too

C-"boyfriend? Husband? Close friend?" I giggled
B-"boyfriend. Jughead Jones." C-"oh I listen to his music. Yours too." B-"really?" C-"I mean you are insanely famous." We both laughed and I turned the volume to the music back up.

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