Part 15

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Betty POV

B-"I'm so sick of this shit." I stated to jug as we sat at the counter and tried to think of what to do about the new post. J-"why can't we just have privacy?" He groaned and rubbed his face. B-"before we know it, Archie is gonna make up some random shit" J-"I didn't even think about that." He said while looking over at me. B-"do you wanna announce us being together?" J-"I'm scared of how that would affect us." B-"me too" I said sheepishly. We both sighed and then sat in silence.

F-"hey you two! Oh what's wrong?" Fp asked as he walked into the kitchen. J-"just paparazzi stuff, you don't need to worry about it." Jug said, trying to dismiss his dad. F-"it's clearly bothering you two, so do you want my opinion on the subject?" We both nodded and then quickly explained it. F-"well I think that you don't have to think about the subject until you're ready. Rumors go around, everyone will find out one day." B-"yeah" I mumbled while resting my head on jugs shoulder.

The next week we still hadn't said anything about us to the internet. B-"I'm gonna have to go home tomorrow." I said to jug as we were laying down. He sat up so he could see me better. J-"oh why?" He asked curiously with a little pain in his voice. B-"I'm going on tour soon. I need to go to a bunch of meetings." J-"I kinda forgot about that. I'll come home with you, I think it'd be good for me to go back." B-"you can stay here as long as you want Juggie." I said while my hand reached up to move the loose curl out of his face. J-"I have to go work at some point, I've already taken much more off than I should've." I nodded and half smiled at him. He pulled me closer and we took a short nap.

J-"I'll buy the tickets. For tonight?" He asked bringing his computer out. B-"whatever they have." I said while I started packing our stuff back up. JB walked into the room excitedly but then all her joy turned into hurt confusion when she saw us. JB-"are you guys leaving?" She asked on the edge of tears.
J-We don't want to jelly, but we have to work." She nodded slowly and then went over to jug to hug him.
J-"I'll call you everyday" he said when they pulled away from each other. She then walked over to me and gave me a tight hug. JB-"thank you so much for coming here." B-"thank you for letting me stay." I said hugging her back. Over the short time we spent together, she felt like a sister I had known forever.

Jughead POV

We got to Betty's apartment door a little after midnight, and she led me inside. B-"you should spend the night here, it's pretty late." She stated when she put down her bags. J-"thanks" I said while making sure the door was locked. B-"I need a shower from the traveling" J-"do you need company?" I joked B-"I wouldn't mind it" she said before walking into her bedroom. J-"really?" I called out and I heard her start the water. Then she came back and looked out the door B-"you coming or not?" She said making me hurry over to her.

After we had gotten out Betty started putting her things away. J-"betts, come sleep. It's late, and you can do that tomorrow." B-"I know, I just like having it done." I walked up to her and picked her up making her drop the shirt she was holding. B-"hey!" She squealed. I dropped her down onto her bed and caged her between my arms. B-"I dropped that" she said giving me a fake pout. J-"I saw. go to sleep now." I said and she smiled and kissed me. B-"I love you" J-"I love you too" I said before moving so we could go to sleep. She pulled the covers over us and cuddled into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and we fell asleep peacefully.

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