Part 26

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Betty POV

I woke up the next morning tangled up with Jughead on the couch. The tv was now playing some random tv show and I carefully got up and turned it off. I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower before going to make breakfast. As I was finishing the bacon, Jughead walked into the kitchen rubbing his eyes. B-"good morning!" I said happily
J-"morning" he groaned. B-"everything okay?" I asked worriedly. J-"yeah. I just never sleep well on a couch." B-"I get that. A shower may help." I said and nodding my head up in the direction of the bathroom. J-"that's probably a good idea. How long till this will be done?" He asked gesturing towards me cooking. B-"15 maybe?" He nodded and went upstairs to the bathroom.

It felt nice being home, it's been a long time. I missed it, but something felt off. I couldn't really tell what it is, just that something seems different. I was thinking while the quiet sounds of the shower running were filling the room but got snapped out of my thoughts by a phone call.
B-hey Cher! What's up?
C-does jug have any plans today? I need to talk to him.
B-nothing that I know of. Why are you asking me?
C-he's not picking up
B-yeah he's in the shower
C-I'm shocked you're not with him
C-*laughs* alright thanks cous. Ttyl

I chuckled to myself before putting some food on the plates and setting the table. Just as I was getting drinks jug walked downstairs. B-"hey jug! Do you have any plans today?" J-"no, why?" B-"Cheryl needs to talk to you or something. I don't know, she called me since you weren't picking up." J-"oh yeah, I should call her back." B-"just text her." J-"smart Cooper." He said before kissing me.

Cheryl POV

T-"alright I'm not accusing you of anything, but why have you and jughead been so close lately?"
C-"omg tt, I'm not cheating I promise. There was a problem I found out about with him and I'm trying to help." T-"what problem?" C-"I really shouldn't tell you, but if you promise to not say a word about it."
T-"I promise. You know me Cher." C-"Veronica kissed Jughead the same day Betty came back." I said quickly. T-"wait what?! Why would he do that?!" C-"Jughead did nothing. He tried to push her off but she wouldn't budge. He just doesn't know what to do now." T-"yeah, well if Betty finds out she'll flip." C-"yeah...but he can't keep it a secret from her. If she finds out from anyone else then it will be worse."

T-"do you have a plan?" C-"I'm thinking he should tell her tonight or tomorrow, but have you and me there to help. I think she'd be better at accepting it if we are on team Jughead." T-"I guess that could work." C-"and if she wants to leave again, we'll just have her with us." T-"then he knows she's safe and okay." C-"he'll also know where she really is." Toni pulled me into a passionate kiss and I smiled into it.
C-"I love you" T-"I love you more." C-"not possible."
T-"wanna bet on it?" C-"how would that work?" I laughed and she also laughed realizing how stupid it sounded.

Jughead POV

J-"what? No! That's an awful idea!" I exclaimed after Cheryl told me her little plan. T-"jug I think this is the best way to tell her." J-"do I have to tell her?" I groaned and they both glared at me. C-"you're an idiot Jones." I sighed heavily and took another sip of my whiskey. J-"fine, but if it goes to shit I'm gonna kill you guys." C-"it won't, I know my cousin. Better than you do, may I add." I chuckled at that knowing it wasn't true, but I wasn't about to get on her bad side.

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