Part 18

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Betty POV

J-"I think that's the last box" jug said to me as he placed down a box in our new house. I smiled excitedly at him and he chuckled. J-"do you like the new house?" B-"I love it Juggie!" J-"I love you" B-"I love you too" I said as he pulled me close. We were kissing passionately until we heard a cough from behind us. We quickly pull away and look to see who was here. B-"V! Hi!" V-"hey! Cheryl and Toni should be here soon." B-"great!" Jug and I invited the three of them to help us unpack and decorate the house.

A few minutes later Cheryl and Toni show up at the house and we then go straight into unpacking boxes. I went into the kitchen with a box and Cheryl walked in a few minutes after me. B-"hey Cher!" C-"hey b, I wanted to talk to you quickly." B-"sure, what's up?" I asked, putting down the box I was holding. Cheryl walked closer to me and started whispering. C-"don't you think it's a little early for you two to live together? I mean I always support you, but it hasn't been that long." B-"Cheryl, I know you're worried, but trust me I'm comfortable and ready for this. He and I basically lived together anyways." C-"I know, it's just... I don't know, you're probably right. Sorry." B-"don't apologize for being worried for me, it's okay. Besides, right now it's good to be cautious."
She nodded and hugged me before going back to the room she was unpacking earlier.

We had gotten most of the house done when we all decided to order some lunch. B-"so what should we get?" V-"I really want stuffed crust pizza, but I'm fine with anything." T-"oh that sounds good!" Toni said clearly also wanting pizza. I looked over at Cheryl and she just smiled. I grabbed my phone out and went into the other room to call the pizza place. I walked back out and saw jug, v, and Toni talking amongst each other while Cheryl still seemed out of it. B-"Cher? Can you come with me for a sec?" She looked up at me and smiled. C-"of course!" Jug looked at me confused. J-"everything okay?"
B-"yeah, I just need some design help." I said smiling sweetly at him.

Cheryl and I walked into a different room and I turned her to look at me. B-"I know somethings wrong, so will you tell me what's up with you?"
C-"I know it's probably nothing, but something feels really off. I feel like something bad is about to happen." B-"how do you mean?" C-"it's just...I feel like someone's watching or something. It's hard to explain." B-"do you think it's Archie? Do you think he found out?" J-"did Archie find us?" Jug asked panicking as he walked into the room. C-"I don't think so." Cheryl said quickly. J-"don't think so? What does that mean?" B-"jug calm down it's okay."
He looked at me in disbelief but Cheryl made sure to step back in before he could say anything. C-"yeah, I never saw anything, I just feel a little weird. But don't take that as evidence, I'm probably just sick or hungry." I rubbed my hand up and down her back comfortably and she turned and smiled at me.
C-"I'm gonna go back to Toni." She said before heading out of the room and going back to her wife.

I sighed and jug walked up closer to me. J-"I shouldn't have overreacted like that, I'm just on edge. I'm sorry." I looked up at him. B-"you don't need to apologize, I get it." He pulled me into his arms and I nuzzled my head into his chest. There was a knock at the door and I jumped but jug calmed me quickly. We went to the door together and I saw the pizza delivery guy at my door. I quickly paid him and jug got the pizzas before we went into the living room where v, Toni, and Cheryl were. J-"pizza!" Jug called as he put it down on the coffee table. V-"oh thank god!" Veronica dramatically sighed as she grabbed a slice out of the box.

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