Part 28-last part

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Jughead POV

We all sat in the living room, Betty on one couch, Toni and Cheryl on the other, and me on a chair.
B-"can one of you please explain what's happening?"
J-"uh-betts...when you left the day you came back I had Veronica, Toni, and Cheryl come over for some advice." I could see tears forming in her eyes as I stumbled over my words. J-"I was in our bedroom when Veronica came in to talk. She blamed herself for you leaving and I tried to tell her that it wasn't her fault and it was mine. She then..."

I looked up at Cheryl and Toni for assurance and they both nodded while smiling sadly. J-"she kissed me Betty. I tried to push her away, but she wouldn't budge." Betty opened her mouth to say something as a tear rolled down her cheek but Cheryl interrupted.
C-"she sexually assaulted him, it's not his fault."
She nodded and looked down at the ground. I quickly got up and sat next to her and we cling onto each other and cried.

C-"we're gonna go in the other room." Cheryl said leaving Betty and I alone. J-"I'm so sorry, this wasn't supposed to happen." B-"I'm sorry too" J-"you have nothing to apologize about." I said looking her in the eyes before pulling her back into a tight hug.

Betty POV

Cheryl and Toni came back into the room an hour later and checked on us. T-"we're gonna go back home. Betty do you need to stay with us or are you staying here." B-"I'll stay here..." I said quietly, still feeling heartbroken over the news. They each hugged me and left, Jughead and I still staying quiet with each other.

B-"can we just go to bed?" I asked when we were awkwardly sitting on the couch. J-"yeah. I'll be up in a minute." I went upstairs and got into pajamas and laid down with the lights off. I heard Jughead walk in a few minutes later and he laid down after changing. I cuddled up into him which surprised him but he gladly wrapped me into his arms.

J-"betts?" B-"yeah?" I asked keeping my face down.
J-"I love you" b-"I know" I said sadly before closing my eyes.

A/N that's the end of this story for now. I might do a part two if I feel inspired, but I'm so excited for the next story I'm gonna write.

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