Part 6

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Betty POV

B-"v, we have to convince him to fake a breakup with me!" V-"you know I want that, but why are you so persistent on this now?" B-"he's apparently treating me like property around any guy I talk to." V-"what are you talking about?" B-"jug texted me last night saying that Archie caused trouble with him because he and I were friends." V-"damn, he's my boyfriend I don't know why he's obsessed with having you."
B-"me neither. That's why the public needs to hear a breakup announcement." V-"well why don't you do it, without telling him." B-"you're a genius! What should I caption it tho?" V-" emojis!"
B-"great idea." I said pulling my phone out and going onto Instagram.


@betts- 🖕💔Liked by @jugheadjones and 44,000,000 others

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@betts- 🖕💔
Liked by @jugheadjones and 44,000,000 others

Archie POV

I looked at my phone and saw that Betty had tagged me in a photo. When I saw what it was I was livid. I went over to her apartment and angrily knocked on the door. A-"BETTY OPEN UP!" She opened the door and saw how mad I was. A-"why the fuck would you post that?!" I yelled at her. She flinched and a tear started forming in her eye. B-"I'm sick of this fake relationship." She mumbled. A-"What was that?!" B-"I said I'm sick! This stupid promotional stunt is over! I don't give a fuck what you have to say about it!" She yelled back at me. Tears where streaming down her face as she yelled. I slapped her across the face. A-"you have to listen to me! You don't decide what happens between us!" ?-"Betty?" I heard a man yell from her room. A-"who the hell is that?" I asked her while sucking on my teeth to hold in another slap. She looked down as Jughead walked out and paused when he saw me. A-"you fucking slut!" J-"what did you just call her?!" He asked angrily at me.

I stormed over to him but Betty tried to stop me from hurting him. B-"Archie stop!" A-"get your hands off of me Betty!" I yelled before getting over to Jughead and I punched him. We physically fought each other as Betty was yelling and crying behind us. When Jughead fell on the floor I turned around to look back at Betty. I slapped her once more before storming out of her apartment.

Betty POV

B-"jug!" I yelled running over to him once Archie slammed the door. J-"I'm fine betts." He said sitting up a little. B-"here" I said while helping him onto the couch. I went into my bathroom to get things to clean up his wounds. I sat back down next to him and looked down at the things I grabbed to make sure I had everything I needed. I prepped an alcohol pad and before I put it on his cuts I said B-"this may sting a little." Then I started disinfecting and cleaning the cuts on his face. J-"why do you know how to do this?" B-"I've picked it up over the years." I said as his face scrunched up when I touched the alcohol pad to another open wound. B-"sorry" I muttered. J-"don't apologize" he said while resting a hand on my thigh.

B-"okay, that should be good." I said smiling at him after I finished. J-"thanks betts, but how are you?" He asked, looking deep into my eyes. B-"I'm fine, it's really nothing I'm not used to." I said shifting in my seat a little. J-"used to? Did he do this a lot?" B-"no, he never did it, but there's a reason I don't talk to my family anymore." J-"betts..." he muttered while putting a hand on my cheek to brush away the tear that had fallen. I let my face melt into his hand and he smiled sadly at me. There was a knock at my door which made both of us jump a little. J-"let me get it" he said putting his hand down. B-"no, no I'll get it." I said standing up before he could stop me. J-"betts" he called out following me to the door. I opened the door while he stood close behind me to make sure I was safe.

V-"b, what happened?" Veronica asked, knowing that Archie had been here and knowing that he has some borderline anger issues. I let out a sigh of relief when it was just Veronica. B-"oh, it wasn't bad for me." V-"why did you say it like..." she said before noticing Jughead. V-"oh, you're Jughead, right?" J-"uh yeah, you are?" V-"Veronica" Jughead looked at me, noticing that Veronica was the name of Archies girlfriend. I gave him a look of reassurance so he knew it was okay. I moved to the side a bit so that Veronica could come in. She walked in and we went into my kitchen. I got them both a glass of water as Veronica sat down at the island and Jughead leaned on the counter. V-"so what happened exactly?"
B-"well he came in yelling at me about the Instagram post and then when he saw Jughead here he flipped out even more." V-"I'm gonna break up with him." She stated. B-"you don't have to V, you two have been happy together." V-"he's an ass B, besides he was so obsessed with you that I didn't believe he loved me." B-"just be careful V" V-"I know, I have something to attend to now." She said standing up confidently and leaving my apartment.

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