Part 12

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Betty POV

B-"jug and I should start heading out now. It was nice spending time with you two again!" I said as Jug and I stood up and hugged Cheryl and Toni before walking out of the lounge. J-"I had fun tonight!"
B-"me too" I said smiling at him. J-"is everything okay?" He asked while looking at me concerned.
B-"yeah. I'm just tired." J-"do you want to crash at mine? It's closer than your place." B-"that sounds nice." I said while grabbing onto his hand making him smile. J-"you sure this is okay to do in public?" He asked clearly talking about us holding hands.
B-"I'm okay with it as long as you are." I said looking up at him to make sure he was okay with it. He smiled at me and then nodded his head.

We made small talk for the rest of the walk, then as soon as got into jugs apartment I took off my shoes and he picked me up and carried me to his room. He placed me down and crawled on top of me and started kissing my neck. B-"jug!" I squealed and he chuckled. He found my sweet spot, making me moan, and then he left a hickey there. He looked at it proudly before softly kissing my lips and moving off the top of me. I giggled as he stood up and went to his dresser. I sat up a little and cocked my head.
B-"what are you doing?" I asked curiously. J-"here" he said throwing me a T-shirt to sleep in. B-"thank you." I said smiling and blushing. I got up and went into the bathroom to quickly change.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw jug wearing only sweatpants and sitting his back against the headboard reading a book. B-"what are you reading?" I asked walking over to him. He looked up and smiled at me. J-"I'm re-reading Fahrenheit 451." He said putting the book down and bringing me into his arms on top of him. B-"I'm gonna sleep now." I said moving to lay next to him instead of on top of him. J-"of course" he said while turning off the lights and then making himself comfortable. I snuggled into his chest and he put his arm around me.
B-"I love you" J-"I love you more." B-"impossible." I said making jug chuckle before we both fell asleep.

Jughead POV

Early the next morning I heard my phone ring. I quickly answered it and carefully untangled myself from Betty so I could go to another room.
F-hey boy, do you think you could back to Riverdale for a little while
J-how long is that while?
F-a week or two
J-maybe, what's wrong?
F-JB came home because she wasn't feeling well, I took her to the doctor yesterday and we just found out some bad news
J-w-wait? What's wrong with JB?
F-jug, she's got c-cancer
F-I haven't been told how bad it is, I just know she has it
J-I'll be there as soon as possible!

I quickly hung up and looked up to see a worried Betty in the doorway to my room. B-"jug. What happened?" J-"my s-sister" I started to break as Betty ran over to me and hugged me. She continued to rub my back as she pulled away. J-"she has cancer." I said to her and I started sobbing. B-"shh it's gonna be okay" she comforted me and I felt safe with her. J-"I need to go back to Riverdale." B-"okay, do you need help packing stuff to go?" J-"can you come with me?" She looked surprised and then softly nodded. B-"of course jug" she said and then kissed me. I grabbed my computer and went and bought two plane tickets to Riverdale for later.

I went into my room with Betty and she helped me grab my clothes and other things I would need and put it into my suitcase. We didn't really talk, we were just in each other's company. J-"we need to get to the airport in two hours." I said as we started to leave my apartment so we could go to hers. B-"okay. I'll pack my stuff quickly." She said while looking at me to make sure I was okay. J-"thank you for coming with me." B-"I'll do anything for you Juggie. I love you." J-"I love you too." I said before we walked out on the street and over to her apartment.

I sat on her couch with my hands over my face just thinking while she got everything she needed into a suitcase. I heard her humming softly and it calmed me a bit but I was still scared out of my mind for JB. B-"jug, she's gonna be okay." She said sitting down next to me and pulling me close to her. J-"I know, but what if she's not." B-"don't think like that jug." She said brushing her fingers through my hair.
B-"let's just get on the plane and then we will get to see her." I nodded without making a noise and she helped me get up and we got an Uber to take us to the airport.

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