Part 22

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Betty POV

Claudia and I ran into the apartment soaking wet from the rain and laughing after our long day of work. B-"I'm gonna go take a shower now." I said after I got my shoes and coat off. C-"okay,I'll see you tomorrow morning." We smiled at each other and then I went into the bathroom. I quickly got myself under the hot water and relaxed. I started thinking about what I had done all day, and I realized that Jughead hadn't talked to me all day. I quickly grabbed my phone from the shelf I had it on and texted him.
B-hey I know it's late, I just wanna check in

I put my phone back down and went back to washing my hair. I stepped out a few minutes later and dried myself off. I quickly checked to see if I got any texts but there was only one from Cheryl and it was just a TikTok. I sighed unhappily and got myself into some comfortable clothes. I dropped onto my bed and was about to fall asleep, but my phone started ringing. I groaned and turned to see Jug was FaceTiming me. I halfheartedly smiled and accepted.
J-hey baby
B-hi jug
J-is everything okay?
B-yeah I'm just tired
J-oh we can talk in the morning if that's better
B-I'm gonna be really busy tomorrow
B-I miss you
J-miss you too
B-are you alright?
J-yeah, why do you ask?
B-you've just sounded a bit... I don't know ingenious recently
J-really? I'm sorry to come off that way
B-yeah...well I need to sleep now. Goodnight

I hung up before he could say anything and I just stared at my ceiling. I fell asleep after all the intrusive thoughts left my head. I woke up the next morning to a soft knock at my bedroom door. C-"hey I just wanted to tell you we have to leave in a half an hour." B-"I'll be ready in a bit" I groaned and she carefully left my room. I quickly got myself ready and made my way out to Claudia. C-"okay let's go!" She said when she saw me. C-"I'm gonna stop at Dunkin' quickly on the way." B-"oh good" I said making us both laugh.

A few weeks later

Jughead POV

J-"you really shouldn't be here." ?-"what you don't want me?" She teased. J-"no, no, just it's... Betty would kill me if she found out you were here."
?-"why do you worry so much about her?" J-"cause I love her" ?-"I know you do." I sighed heavily. J-"she's coming home tonight." I stated. ?-"you kicking me out?" J-"yeah" ?-"Call me when you need some." J-"oh shush" I said while she walked out the door.

I went around the house making sure that everything looked perfect and then I checked the mirror to make sure that i looked okay. I heard a chime on my phone from the other room and I checked to see it was Jessica tagging me in a TikTok. "Fuck" I muttered and before I could see what it was Betty texted me saying she had just landed. I quickly got in the car and drove to the airport.

When I saw her she was laughing with another blonde woman. When she saw me she ran to me and hugged me tightly. I rested my head in the crook of her neck. B-"I missed you" she whispered. J-"I missed you too." I whispered into her hair. She pulled out of the hug and quickly kissed me. The blonde woman was standing watching and Betty turned to her. B-"Claudia this is Jughead, Jughead this is Claudia." We both smiled at each other and Betty kissed my cheek. B-"let's go home." She said and I nodded. J-"yeah, come on." We got into the car and it was a quiet ride. She had her head on my shoulder until she got a text. From then on she wouldn't even look at me.

Betty POV

I felt happy when I was in jugs presence so I didn't mind the quiet car ride. I got a TikTok link from Claudia and I quickly looked to see what it was. It was a video of Jughead and Jessica in our house and they were both smiling and Jughead's hair was really messy. I looked to see the date of when it was posted and it said today. I felt tears threaten to fall out of my eyes but I wouldn't let them.

When we got inside the house I put my bags down and looked at jug angrily. B-"do you wanna admit it or should I just leave?" J-"what?" B-"you really thought I wouldn't fucking know?!" J-"I seriously don't know what you're talking about" B-"oh so you didn't keep a woman here today?!" I saw his body tense up. J-"h-how did you know?" He stuttered. I scoffed. B-"maybe because your slut can't help but post everything on social media!"

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