Part 9

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Jughead POV

It's been about a week since I told Betty that I was in love with her. We haven't really talked, each time I text her or call her she always says that she's busy. I know I messed up, but I just want the chance to talk with her. It's not the best plan, but today I'm just gonna go to her apartment so that we have to talk. I don't like intruding into her privacy but she's everything to me and I can't lose her because I said something I shouldn't have.

When I knocked on the door she opened the door smiling until she saw me and her face dropped.
B-"jug..." J-"I know I shouldn't just stop by, but we really need to talk." B-"I know. Come in." She said sort of reluctantly while moving so I could walk in. We sat down on the couch in silence for a few seconds before I decided to start. J-"Betty, I'm really-" B-"I love you too jug. I'm just scared, I've never actually felt like this for anyone." She said nervously while cutting me off. J-"me either." I said sort of quietly while looking deep into her eyes.
B-"I'm sorry for not telling you." J-"you don't need to apologize. Clearly this is sorta scary for both of us." I said while a tear threatened to fall out of her eye. I moved so that I was closer to her and I placed my hand on her cheek in case that tear did come out. Before I knew it she leaned in and kissed me. I was surprised at first but then immediately melted into the kiss. Before it was about to escalate there was a knock at the door making us both pull away quickly.

B-"that's who I thought you were gonna be." She said standing up and quickly wiping under her eye. J-"who is it?" I asked curiously. B-"Cheryl" she said getting to the door and opening it. B-"hi!" C-"hey Betty!" B-"hey Toni!" T-"I hope it's okay that I'm here, we didn't ask if I could join." B-"oh it's no big deal, you two are always welcome. Come on in!" She said as the three of them walked into my view.
C-"omg Jughead Jones! Betty, Jughead Jones is in your apartment!" She said excitedly while I stood up to officially meet them. B-"yeah" she said giggling.
C-"I'm Cheryl Topaz, and this is my wife Toni Topaz. I'm such a big fan of you and I'm Betty's cousin."
J-"she's talked about you" I said while we shook hands with each other.

B-"does anyone want anything to drink?" T-"vodka." Toni said sarcastically. B-"I've got it if you want it." T-"actually sure, why the hell not!" B-"anyone else?" C-"surprise me! Alcoholic tho" Cheryl said as Betty walked into her kitchen. Toni and Cheryl started a conversation with each other so I went over to Betty. J-"you think that because you're her cousin she wouldn't get all excited over little ole me." I said sarcastically while sitting up onto the counter. She look at me giggling. B-"that's just how she is, she's pretty famous herself but she fangirls over any celebrity." J-"Was that a back handed compliment Coop?" She giggled again while grabbing the alcohol out of the cabinet. B-"no mr sensitive" she said jokingly.

Betty POV

A few hours later Cheryl and Toni decided that they were gonna go home. C-"we're gonna go home now" B-"okay, it was nice having you guys over." T-"yeah, thanks for having us. It was nice meeting you." She said towards Jughead. He nodded in agreement while Cheryl and Toni left my apartment. J-"do you want my help with cleaning up?" He asked when he saw me picking up cups and plates. B-"you don't have to jug, it's my home." J-"I don't mind." He said while getting the other plates and cups I wasn't able to hold. He followed behind me to the sink and he made me put the appliances I was holding onto the counter. J-"I'll wash these, go do whatever other things you need to get done." He said before quickly placing a kiss to my forehead. I blushed at the sign of affection and he definitely noticed. J-"you're cute." He said chuckling at me. I giggled before saying
B-"I'm gonna take a quick shower, but I wanna watch a movie with you after." J-"okay, I'll stay here." He said before I walked into my bedroom.

When I got out of the shower I quickly put pajama pants and a shirt on before walking out to jug while still drying my hair. He was sitting on my couch while scrolling on his phone. B-"hey" I said while throwing the towel onto a chair and sitting next to him on the couch. J-"hey" he said putting his phone down and wrapping on his arms around me while I snuggled my head into his side. The remote was next to him so he picked it up and turned on the tv.
J-"what do you wanna watch?" B-"anything that you were in." I said jokingly while he sarcastically sighed. I looked up and saw him turn on a movie that I was in. B-"jug" I whined playfully. I lifted my head and moved his arm off of me. He looked at me confused while I just smiled at him.

He chuckled J-"what?" B-"we should talk, shouldn't we?" He paused the movie and nodded J-"we should." B-"I want to be with you Jug, but I don't know if you do or don't." J-"betts..." I started worrying at the pause. J-"will you be my girlfriend." I slapped his chest. B-"you scared me!" I said before pulling him into a passionate kiss. J-"yes?" He asked when we pulled away. B-"of course!" I said straddling him and kissing him again. I pulled away and rested my head on his shoulder. I felt him smile as his hand started stroking my hair.

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