Part 4

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Betty POV

I woke up the next morning from a text from my manager.
M-hey Betty, do you have any new music? We have to start working on it soon
B-oh yeah, I've got a few songs. How many are needed?
M-about 6-8 songs
M-I'll pick you up in an hour to take you to the studio
B-oh okay
I put my phone back down sighing heavily. I knew I didn't have anything new and if I wasn't able to come up with any I'd be in trouble. I looked through the notes on my phone to see if there was anything that I had written down but never decided to make. There was only the one about Jughead and I knew that I couldn't release something that's clearly not about Archie. "I'm so fucked" I said to myself while walking over to my keyboard.

After a half an hour I had gotten basic ideas for three songs. I decided I'd figure out some more lyrics when in the car and just talk with my producer when I got to the studio. I got up to get dressed and get ready for the day. When I was in my kitchen grabbing a quick breakfast I heard a knock at my door. I went over to see my manager there. B-"hey" M-"let's get going!" B-"oh okay" I said quickly grabbing my bag and phone before leaving.

Jughead POV

Almost all the comments under my latest post where all from Jessica's fan page telling me to burn in hell and other shit. I felt really awful and I just wanted everything to go away. I didn't want to be petty and turn off the comments but it was getting really rough. I took a look in the mirror that was near my kitchen as I was walking past and saw how bad I looked. My eye bags were dark and my hair was messy. I hadn't slept all night, I was too busy thinking about what everyone was saying. I felt a buzz come from my phone and I didn't really want to see what it was, but it was another text from Betty.

B-I know this is weird to ask, but do you wanna write a song with me?
J-why me? Cant you get like anybody
B-I could. I want you
J-I guess so
B-could you come to the studio now?
B-great! I'll send you the address in a min
Instead of grabbing the drink I was planning on getting, I went into my bathroom and splashed water on my face. I got myself a bit more presentable and then went down to my car. I put the address Betty sent me into Waze and followed the directions there. When I got inside I went to security and showed them my ID and told them that Betty asked me to be here. The person with the clipboard looked down and saw that Betty had said it was okay.

I got inside and saw her pacing around the studio muttering a bunch of words that rhymed. She looked up and saw me B-"oh! Hi Jughead!" J-"hey" B-"you can sit wherever. Or stand! Whatever you like!" She said smiling sweetly. I smiled back and sat down on a leather couch that was nearby. She sat down on a chair that was facing the couch and quickly shook out her hands to calm herself down. B-"okay, we should probably start something, but we can get to know each other if that helps you." J-"whatever you would like Princess." She giggled and blushed at the nickname making me genuinely smile. B-"I have this quick recording of a song with a verse and a chorus that I made before you got here. You can hear that if you want and if you get inspired we can use it."

She said standing up and heading over to the equipment. She pressed play and the music flowed through the speakers. There wasn't much to it, but her voice was angelic and perfect that it made the song seem like it was complete. The lyrics she was singing didn't rhyme but fit together so well. I rarely came across music where people made that work. Then she stopped singing but there was a light piano part. I started humming something along and ideas started filling into my head. I noticed her studying me as I was clearly humming something I liked. She seemed excited that I had liked what she had come up with and when the music had stopped we made real eye contact. B-"so?" J-"I've got some ideas" I said smiling. She jumped up and down and clapped happily. I chuckled at her and she sat back down so we could discuss our thoughts.

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