Part 17

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Betty POV

I was getting ready for my date with jug when I got a phone call from an unknown number. I don't usually pick them up, but I had a feeling I had to pick this one up.
?-how dare you chose him over me!
?-you're mine whore!
B-what the hell
A-you're gonna regret your whole life
B-Archie stop whatever you're planning
A-what are you gonna do? You're just a woman
B-excuse me?!
B-You're a weak little bitch with abandonment issues. You think that claiming me will keep me from leaving, but everything that you have been doing has been distancing me further and further apart. Don't you miss the old us? Joking around and laughing with V. I'd like to say i pity you, but I really don't. You put this on yourself and karma is just being the bitch that she is.

Before he could say something I hung up and let out a sigh. My phone rang again, but I didn't pick up, I just put my phone on silent. I played some music to lighten my mood and continue getting ready. I was still dancing around and laughing to myself when I heard a light chuckle that made me jump. B-"FUCK" I yelled looking to see Jughead. B-"you scared the shit out of me jug!" He laughed again. J-"yeah I saw that. You almost ready?" B-"oh yeah, just let me put on my dress real quick." I said before going into my closet. I picked out a red dress and quickly put it on before walking back out to jug. His jaw dropped when he saw me and I giggled before putting on my shoes.

We took an Uber to the restaurant, and when we got out people were already freaking out when they saw us

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We took an Uber to the restaurant, and when we got out people were already freaking out when they saw us. There were many flashes and Jughead and I had to walk by trying to ignore it. B-"maybe dinner wasn't the best idea" I joked making us both laugh a little before we got inside. It was a nice, expensive restaurant and it had good security for celebrities. We got seated at a table in a back section, where we could see everything, but others would have a hard time seeing us. B-"thank you for agreeing to this jug." I said smiling at him before picking up my menu. J-"I can never say no to a date with my girl." He said, grabbing my hand from across the table.

J-"baby, are you okay?" He asked as he watched me pick at my food. B-"yeah, just...I need to tell you something when we get somewhere more private."
He furrowed his eyebrows in worry. B-"I'm not breaking up with you, just something with Archie." I said to make that thought get out of his head. He nodded his head and we ate in silence until the mood lifted.

J-"so what happened?" He asked while we both sat down on my couch. B-"Archie called me a few times today. I picked up the first time and he flipped out over us." Jug pulled me a little to get me in his lap and he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my head before I continued. B-"of course I told him off, but he continued to call me. I didn't pick up after the first call. It's just... after that picture I'm worried he's constantly watching." J-"I get that. I'm not really sure what we should do." B-"so far I'm just keeping everything locked and my curtains closed." J-"I don't like this idea a lot, but should you move?" B-"if I moved to any other place here than he'd probably be able to find me." J-"what about a house in a gated community?" B-"that's not bad, but all of those are far from you." J-"well..." B-"would you move with me?" I asked hopefully while turning around so I could look at him. J-"I'd be happy to, if you want me there." B-"of course I want you to move with me! I want you to be with me all the time!" He chuckled and I kissed him passionately.

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