Part 20

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Jughead POV

The next morning I woke up alone in our room. I started to worry until I heard Betty talking downstairs. I got up and walked downstairs to hear her crying in the kitchen. B-"oh. My. God. Really?!" She said laughing and crying happily. B-"thank you so much! Yeah, yeah I'll be there!" She said hanging up and jumping up and down a little. J-"what was that?" I asked curiously but she yelped from the shock of me being there. B-"sorry. I got the part!"
J-"what?" I was confused, not knowing what she was talking about. B-"that movie I auditioned for a while ago. I got the part!" J-"oh! Congrats betts!" I said walking over and hugging her. J-"where is it filming?" B-"Vancouver." She stated while looking at me nervously. J-"oh." B-"I'll only be gone for like a month." J-"when do you leave?" B-"this weekend." I hugged her again J-"I'm proud of you" I whispered in her ear and and she started crying again.

Betty POV

I called Veronica to come over and she arrived shortly after. B-"hey v! I've got news!" V-"omg are you pregnant!?" She asked hopefully. B-"what? No! I got that part in the movie I auditioned for!"
V-"really! That's so exciting! How does jug feel about it." B-"I think he's upset that I'll be gone, but he said he was proud of me." V-"I'll make sure he's okay while you're gone." B-"thanks v" I said smiling.
V-"now, let's go have a girls day!" B-"ooh yes! We haven't in forever!" I said and then put on my shoes and grabbed my purse and phone. B-"I'm going out with V!" I yelled up to jug who was in our room.
J-"okay! Be safe please!" He yelled back and Veronica smirked at me. V-"he's whipped girl." I giggled and we got into her car and drove to a nearby fancy mall.

We were laughing as we walked out of a store but then Veronica stopped suddenly. B-"v?" I looked up to where she was looking and saw the one person I didn't want to see. I quickly ran back into the store we were in and hoped he didn't see me. V came running in after me. V-"I really hope he didn't see us." B-"knowing Archie, he probably didn't." V-"do you think he'll walk away?" She asked while looking out the shop window at Archie. B-"he should soon." I said, picking up a candle and smelling it. B-"V, smell this." I said handing it to her. V-"are you really not worried about this? I mean your acting like it'll blow right over." B-"cause it will." I said shrugging and putting the candle back down.

I saw v texting someone and I sighed. B-"who are you texting? Cause if it's telling someone about Archie here, then you don't need to." V-"it's not." She said before turning off her phone. I raised an eyebrow at her and she put her hands up fake defensively V-"I swear." Just then a light ding came from my phone. I pulled out my phone and saw Jug's name on my phone. B-"v!" I whined before opening up the message.
J-Veronica just told me that you two are hiding from Archie. I'm coming to u guys now.
B-jug u don't need to
B-I'm watching him walk away right now
J-if u guys aren't coming home right now, then I'm going to u
B-yes we're leaving
J-please be safe
B-okay 'dad'
J-New nickname?

B-"v, I'm gonna kill you." I stated and she laughed.
V-"I'm sorry b" B-"yeah, yeah, come on let's leave or jug will never let me out of his sight again." She giggled and we quickly made our way to her car. We made sure to watch and make sure Archie couldn't see us, and because we didn't see him anywhere we thought we were okay. We were in her car about to pull out when he harshly banged on my window. We both screamed out of fear and then V called the cops secretly as I carefully rolled down the window.
B-"Archie please leave me alone." A-"now why would I do that?" B-"what you're doing is illegal. You have to stop." A-"it's not illegal to talk to you." B-"you're not just talking to me. Please stop this before I get a restraining order." A-"you're mine, you can't stay away from me no matter how hard you try!"

He yelled at me and then just then a few cops pulled up and I saw the fear in his eyes. A few officers ran up to him and one of them tackled him. O-"you're coming with us!" One of them yelled. V and I both let out a sigh of relief and then Archie was handcuffed and pulled into one of their cars. One officer walked up to my window to talk to us. O-"you ladies are free to go, but I'll need you to make a statement soon." He said while handing me a card with a number on it. O-"call that when you're ready to come down and talk to us." He then walked away and I closed my eyes tightly and then opened them again.

B-"let's just go back to my house and watch something." V-"that sounds nice. I'm sorry for taking you here today." B-"don't apologize. I had fun, except for this whole thing." I said jokingly and she half heartedly laughed. We got back to the house and Jughead was already standing outside. He ran over to me and pulled me into his arms as soon as I stepped out of the car. J-"are you okay?" B-"yeah, I'm okay." I said softly.

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