Part 11

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Betty POV

Jug and I haven't seen each other for a few days, but we've texted each other a few times. Because he and I haven't gone public (and aren't planning on it) I'm going over to his apartment for a date night. I wish we could go to a fancy restaurant, but we're not ready for the press. I got dressed into a little red dress and did a red eye look to match. Once I finished getting ready I started walking to Jugheads apartment. I knew where it was, but I haven't been there before. I knocked on his door and he opened it with a bright smile on his face. J-"hey betts!" B-"hi Juggie!" I said jumping into his arms. He let me into the apartment and I looked around. J-"it's not necessarily the best, but it is what it is I guess."
B-"I love it, don't worry jug." I said kissing his cheek.
B-"I need to take these heels off." I jokingly complained while slipping out of them and picking them up to place them near the door. He chuckled and then walked into his kitchen.

I followed behind after putting down my shoes and saw him making dinner. B-"need any help?" J-"I should be okay, unless you want to." B-"I'm happy to! It could be fun cooking with you!" J-"there are some things that need to be cut in that bowl next to the cutting board, if you want to start with that."
B-"okay!" I said, walking over to the cutting board and quickly rinsing everything in the sink before cutting them. J-"did I tell you that you look beautiful tonight?" I blushed and looked up at him. B-"thank you Juggie, you look very handsome." He smiled and then turned back around to the stove.

When everything was ready we sat at his table with our homemade dinner. B-"I don't remember the last time I cooked dinner." I laughed and he chuckled
J-"have you been eating?" He asked jokingly. B-"I've been getting lots of food delivered." I said back making him laugh. J-"damn, how do you afford to buy food every night." B-"I am Elizabeth Cooper. I get by." I said teasingly. I took a bite of my food and basically moaned at how good it was. B-"you're so good at cooking." J-"you helped too." He said making me shake my head B-"not really" I joked making us both laugh again.

We both finished eating and so jug took our plates and put them next to the sink J-"I'll clean those later." He said turning back to me. J-"so what do you wanna do?" B-"uhh...wait! I have an idea!" J-"which is.." B-"can I paint your nails?" J-"what?" B-"or do you have to keep them plain for the movie." J-"they never said anything, probably cause they don't expect me to paint them." I looked at him pleadingly and waited until he broke. J-"fine. But I don't have anything to use." B-"I do!" J-"wait, you planned this" B-"no, I just carry nail polish around just in case." I said running over to my purse and grabbing the black nail polish out. I pulled him onto the chair he was sitting on to eat dinner and I sat down in front of him.

Jughead POV

B-"now wait for it to dry." She said blowing on my hand quickly. B-"I'm surprised you let me do that." She said smiling at me. J-"honestly same." I said jokingly making us both laugh. B-"I love you." She said seriously. J-"I love you too." I said back. We talked for a few more minutes and then she checked to see if the nail polish had dried before taking my hand and pulling me up. B-"let's go out out." She said while dragging me to the door and putting her shoes back on. J-"where?" B-"I don't know. A club? And ice cream shop? Just somewhere." J-"okay.." I said a bit hesitantly.

J-"why are we here? Also what happens if people recognize us?" I said to Betty as we walked into the fancy lounge. B-"it'll be fine Jughead." She said as we walked to some desk. ?-"do you have reservations?" B-"no, but I'm Betty Cooper." J-"are you using your fame to get into a lounge?" I whispered into her ear. I saw her shiver a little before she shook her head 'no' B-"just wait." She said nodding to the woman holding a clipboard smiling.
?-"of course! Veronicas best friend! You're always welcome, do you know where your spot is?" Betty smiled and nodded before taking my hand and walking to an even nicer reserved area in the back corner. Before I could ask any questions Veronica ran up to us. V-"B! Jug! What are you two doing here?!" She asked excitedly. B-"I thought we would hang out here tonight." She said looking back at me. V-"well do you two want any drinks?" B-"yes please! You know my go-to right?" V-"of course! Jug?" J-"uh just some whiskey I guess." I said before Veronica nodded and walked to somewhere else.

Betty went and sat down on the leather couch in this corner and I sat down next to her. J-"do you wanna explain this?" I asked still confused with the whole thing. B-"Veronica owns this place, so she has a special corner for her friends. Also her friends can get in at any time, that's what the clipboard is."
J-"huh" I said nodding my head J-"that's not what I expected, but okay." I said while placing my arm around Betty. She rested her head on my shoulder until a familiar couple walked up to us. C-"mind if we join you two?" Cheryl asked making Betty sit up. She smiled B-"the more the merrier!" She said as Toni and Cheryl sat on the loveseat next to the couch.

|flash forward|

"Do you wanna admit it or should I just leave! You really thought I wouldn't fucking know!"

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