Part 7

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Betty POV

B-"jug?" I said turning around to face him after V left. J-"yeah?" B-"I'm worried he's gonna hurt her." J-"well we can check up on her many times tonight. She'll be okay." He said walking up to me and embracing me. J-"let's do something to get your mind off everything for a little." He said pulling back and looking at me. I nodded my head as a single tear fell out of my eye. J-"it's okay." He said to me wiping the tear away with his thumb. J-"let's watch something" he said picking me up making me giggle and carrying me to my couch.

I called v as soon as the movie ended and she picked up immediately.
B-V! Are you okay?!
V-yes b, don't worry
B-well what happened?
V-I called him saying I wanted to break up and he agreed that it would be best. We haven't talked since then.
B-*sighs in relief* thank god! I was so worried that something would happen.
V-*giggle*no need to worry b! All good on my end!
B-well if everything's okay, I'm gonna go make dinner
V-go for it! Ttyl
B-yep! Night v!

I hung up and looked at jug happily. J-"see, everything's okay" I giggled B-"thanks for being here jug." J-"of course. Now, I heard you say you're making dinner, and I am one for some homemade food so let's get to it!" He said while standing up making me giggle again. He smiled at me and I stood up too as we walked into my kitchen.

*5 months later*

J-"oh come on! Let's go do something to celebrate your new album release tonight!" V-"I agree with Jug, we're not just staying here and watching Criminal Minds." B-"but-" V-"no buts, I'm gonna get you ready and we're going to the club tonight!" I giggled a little as Veronica pulled my arm to bring me into my room. V-"jug, you go get whatever you need if you're not fine with wearing what you're wearing now!" She said before closing the door to my bedroom.

V-"okay! Can you please play me the album while we get ready?!" She pleaded while sitting me down at my vanity desk. B-"no, you gotta wait like everyone else." I joked a little. She pouted a little before we both started laughing. She did my makeup and hair and then told me to look through my closet for something to wear while she did her hair and makeup. I looked through my closet and found two party dresses, one for her and one for me. I showed them to her and she squealed at the sight. V-"I love them both! You can pick who's wearing what!" She said before looking back at the mirror. There was a knock at my bedroom door and I opened it knowing it was Jug. B-"hi Juggie!" J-"hey, whenever you two are ready we can go!" V-"mkay, give us like 10 minutes." J-"alright, I'll be in the living room."
B-"thanks jug!" Once he left Veronica stood up and picked up the dress I picked for her. V-"I'll change in the bathroom." She said walking into the bathroom connected to my bedroom.
Betty's dress

Veronicas dress

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Veronicas dress

When we got dressed we walked out to jug and I could see his mouth practically drop when he saw me

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When we got dressed we walked out to jug and I could see his mouth practically drop when he saw me. B-"ready?" J-"y-yeah" he stuttered while looking at every detail of my body. I blushed as Veronica grabbed onto the two of us and pulled us out the door. We got to the club and Veronica immediately went to get us drinks. The music was blasting and I could feel lots of eyes on me and jug. Of course over the months there has been many dating rumors between us, but we haven't done anything. We acted more like we have been best friends for our entire lives and less like a couple. Veronica waved us over to her so we quickly got there and sat down at the bar next to her. Some guy came up behind me and tapped my shoulder. ?-"you're Elizabeth Cooper right?" B-"uh yeah." I said back. ?-"could I get a picture or an autograph?" B-"yeah sure" I said smiling and turning around in my seat as he pulled out his phone for selfie.

When the guy left I turned back to see Veronica and Jughead staring at me. B-"what?" V-"girl how do you do that every day?" She said taking a sip of her drink. I giggled slightly and took a sip of my own drink. B-"you get used to it after a while." I said back to her. I could still tell that lots of people were staring at me and leaned over to whisper in Jugheads ear. B-"are they looking at you or me?"
J-"definitely you" he said with a smirk. I giggled and then noticed an older song of mine started playing through the speakers making me cringe. B-"this is why I stopped clubbing!" I said jokingly to Veronica and Jughead. They both laughed at me and pulled me onto the dance floor. I was laughing so hard watching them lip sync all the lyrics and pretending that they were in a music video for it.

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