Part 2

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@archieandrews- Love you beth❤️Liked by @betts and 15,000,000 others

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@archieandrews- Love you beth❤️
Liked by @betts and 15,000,000 others

Jughead POV

A-"you're Jughead right?" A red head asked me while we were on set. J-"uh yeah, who are you?"
A-"Archie Andrews" J-"oh yeah, nice to meet you." A-"yeah, nice to meet you." D-"Okay we're gonna start blocking the scene now." The director said walking over to us and getting us to work.

When we were done it wasn't as late as we all expected. A-"you wanna get dinner?" J-"I'm taken" I said sarcastically, making us both laugh. J-"but yeah sure!" I grabbed my bag and we walked through the busy streets of the city, getting recognized multiple times. A-"damn dude, you're more famous than I thought." I chuckled and that's when a group of screaming teenage girls came running up to me.
G1-"OMG YOURE DATING JESSICA!!" G2-"CAN WE GET A PICTURE?!" J-"sure" I said while Archie moved out of the way a little. The girls left while still screaming and looking at their phones and Archie and I chuckled a little. A-"so who's Jessica?" J-"she's some tiktoker. I don't really pay attention." A-"wait did they mix you up with someone?" J-"no, my relationship just isn't good." I said as we walked into the burger shop we planned on going to.

Betty POV

C-"Betty we should go shopping!" B-"I don't really wanna get dressed." I said to Cheryl as she was pacing around my apartment. C-"you can make sweatpants look cute!" She said walking into my room to get to all my clothes. She threw me a colourful pair of sweatpants and a white crop top to put on. C-"go change into this." I reluctantly got up with the clothes and went into my bathroom and got changed. I looked at myself in the mirror to make sure my hair looked fine then made my way back out to my bossy cousin. C-"okay let's go!" She said pulling me out of the apartment.

B-"Cheryl I'm tired" I whined as we walked out of yet another store. C-"you're really no fun to shop with" she said back. B-"is that.." I said looking closer at the familiar red head. C-"that's definitely Archie, but is he with Jughead Jones?" B-"I think they're working together, so I guess it's not that weird." C-"Jughead is really hot. Do you follow him?" B-"no, I don't really know who he is." C-"he's a musician, but he's a total smoke show." B-"aren't you married?" I asked jokingly. C-"yes, but it doesn't change the fact." She said back while pulling me into another store.

Jughead POV

I got home a few hours later and saw Jessica sitting on my couch. Je-"where have you been?" J-"work. Then I got dinner with a coworker." Je-"it better not have been a female!" J-"one, that shouldn't matter and two, it wasn't." Je-"it does matter! I'm your girlfriend!" J-"I wish you weren't" I mumbled so she wouldn't hear Je-"what did you say?!" J-"nothing. I'm going to bed, get out of my apartment."
Je-"you mean OUR apartment!" J-"No! You moved in without my permission! It's MY apartment and I want you out of it!" I yelled back at her. Je-"Don't tell me what to do!" J-"GET THE FUCK OUT!"
Je-"FINE! FUCK YOU JUGHEAD!" She started packing all of her things. J-"oh one more thing, we're over!" I said when she was leaving. Je-"you wish" she said slamming my door.

"You wish?" What the hell does that mean. She can't tell me that we can't break up. I rubbed my eyes and walked into my kitchen grabbing a glass of whiskey to calm myself down. I had a few more than I should have and I then called Jessica
J-you can't s-say that we won't break up, it's my choice! I never want to see you again!
I sat my last glass down after sending her that voicemail and then I fell asleep on the couch.


@betts- @cherlybombshell dragged me around stores all day so now I'm tiredLiked by @vlodge and 50,000,000 others

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@betts- @cherlybombshell dragged me around stores all day so now I'm tired
Liked by @vlodge and 50,000,000 others

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