Part 19

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Betty POV

I was awoken in the middle of the night by a phone call. I quickly answered it, in hopes that no one in the house would wake up.
A-where the fuck did you go!
A-you're not at your apartment!
A-don't say you're with Jughead, cause you're not!
B-Archie calm down
A-don't tell me what to do bitch! You're supposed to be with me right now!
B-Archie we're not together, you need to stop this
A-I'm gonna get you back!

Before I could say anymore he hung up on me and I sighed. J-"Betty" jug groaned as he woke up. B-"just go back to bed jug." I said while laying back down.
J-"who was calling you this early?" He asked, rubbing his eyes and then he put his arm around me.
B-"it was no one, let's just go back to sleep." J-"it was Archie, wasn't it?" He asked as I snuggled my head into his chest. I mumbled a little and he sighed before kissing the top of my head. We didn't say anything else to each other cause of how tired we were and then we fell back asleep.

A few hours later there was a knock at our bedroom door and then V walked in. V-"I don't mind to bother you two, but Cheryl, Toni, and I are heading out now. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. B-"oh okay, we'll see you guys later. Get home safe." V-"will do, love you!" B-"love you too!" With that I heard the three of them leave the house and I fell back down on the bed. Jug pulled me closer to him and started kissing my neck. I giggled B-"already!?" I jokingly said.
J-"well this is the first time we've been in our house alone." I giggled again and let him continue.

After our early morning fun, I took a shower and then got ready for the day. I went downstairs to see jug in the kitchen making some food for us. J-"we need to get groceries." He said when he heard me walk in. B-"I'll do that today." I said, walking over to him and kissing his cheek before getting a cup of coffee. J-"I'll go with you, I don't really trust either of us being alone right now." B-"okay, but don't you have to get some work done?" J-"I'll do it later." He said casually and then finished making the food.

Jughead POV

After Betty and I got home from the store Betty immediately started putting things away. J-"do you need help?" I asked, placing the last bag on the counter. B-"nope! You go get some work done."
J-"okay, I'll be in the other room if you need me."
I sat down, but I couldn't stop worrying about what Archie had planned. If he found out we moved, and where we moved, we could both get hurt, but especially Betty. B-"hey hon!" I heard Betty yell and I immediately jumped up and ran out to her. J-"is everything okay?" I asked nervously. B-"yeah, I just need help reaching the top shelf." I let out a breath of relief and chuckled before helping her put some things up there. B-"thank you!" She said cheerfully.

B-"what do you want for dinner? I was thinking pasta, but I'll make anything." J-"pasta sounds delicious baby. Do you want help?" B-"I don't need it, but I like your company." She said smiling and getting out everything she would need.

We both finished eating and we're sitting on the couch cuddling when I said the thing we both were trying to forget about. J-"we should talk about that phone call last night." B-"what much is there to talk about?" J-"well what did he say to you?" B-"he was just yelling at me about how I wasn't at either of the apartments, and that I was his and he was gonna find me and shit." J-"he's not gonna find you betts, and if he does I'll keep him from you." B-"I know." She said before kissing me. B-"I love you." J-"I love you too."

I just saw that this story has over 1.2k views, and I think that's crazy! Thank you to everyone who's been reading and enjoying my work.

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