Part 13

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Betty POV

We sat down on the plane and I could tell jug was still stressed out. B-"it's all gonna be okay, trust me." I said softly as he looked over at me. He looked exhausted B-"why don't you try to get some sleep. You look very tired." He nodded and tried to get comfortable on the plane. He ended up laying his head on my shoulder. I had my book next to me so I picked it up and started reading it. We started taking off not long after and I noticed that jug had fallen asleep.

We got off the plane and got our luggage. We went down an escalator and Jughead saw his dad. He immediately ran and hugged him and I smiled to see him happy. I walked up behind them and his dad looked at me. J-"dad, this is Betty" F-"oh I know who she is. Why is she with you?" I linked my hand in Jugs and his dad got the message. F-"oh wow, good job kiddo." He said to jug, making both of us blush awkwardly. F-"I'm FP, Jugheads father. It's nice to meet you!" He said holding his hand out, to which I shook his hand and smiled. B-"hi! It's nice to meet you too!" F-"we should head home now, I don't want jelly alone by herself for too long." He said and both jug and I nodded before following him out to his car.

We got in the house and I heard a woman's voice come from the kitchen. JB-"dad?" I young woman walked out from behind a wall. She had brown hair and fair skin. She instantly lit up when she saw jug and I watched him drop everything to hug her. I admired how happy they were to see one another. I could tell they whispering things to each other, and then she looked back at me and started grinning even more. JB-"YOU BROUGHT BETTY COOPER WITH YOU?!" She yelled and hit his arm before walking over to me. I smiled and held out my hand for her to shake. B-"hi! It's nice to meet you JB." I said and she almost cried. JB-"I love you so much!" She gushed. Jug came over behind her and jokingly said J-"me too" I giggled and JB put it together immediately. JB-"YOURE DATING HER AND DIDNT TELL ME!" She yelled to jug making all of us laugh. J-"you never asked" he shrugged while pulling her into another hug.

Jug and I quickly placed our luggage into his old room and then we went back and joined JB and FP in the living room. J-"how are you feeling?" Jug asked worriedly. JB-"better than I though I would. How was your trip?" B-"it wasn't bad. He slept the whole time." I said back to her making her smile.
JB-"of course he did!" F-"I'm gonna get take out from pops, what does everyone want?" He asked standing up and taking out his phone. I looked at jug confused but he seemed super excited. J-"a burger and fries!" He looked at me then turned back to his dad. J-"make that two" he said and I still didn't really know what was going on. He leaned over to whisper to me and said J-"it's the best food you'll ever eat. It's diner not to far from us." Jug sat back normally and started catching up with JB.

We looked at the clock and saw it was 10:30 after we had finished our dinner. JB-"I should go to bed now. This has been making me really tired." JB said standing up and walking over to her dad to hug him and then to jug. Before she went up the stairs I hopped up and hugged her as well. JB-"my life is complete." She joked as we pulled away and she went up to her room. I saw jug and fp smiling and I shrugged. B-"I'm claiming her as family now." I said as I sat back down at my seat. The three of us talked for a little longer before jug and I decided to go up to bed. J-"it's getting real late, and betts and I have been traveling for a while. Love you dad, see you in the morning." F-"love you too son." Fp said smiling at us as we walked up the stairs and into his room.

J-this place still looked the same." Jug sighed and I looked at him. B-"are you okay?" J-"yeah" he said before giving me a quick kiss. J-"I'm with my dad, my sister, and my beautiful girlfriend. I'm happier than ever." He stated while falling onto his bed.
B-"good. I'm gonna change quick." I said while grabbing my pajamas and then going into the bathroom. I came back and saw that jug was almost asleep again. I kissed his cheek and he mumbled 'I love you' before he fell deep asleep. I went onto Instagram for a little and sighed when the first post I saw was this.


@enews- Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones spotted together at airport earlier today

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@enews- Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones spotted together at airport earlier today.

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