Part 5

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Betty POV

When I got home that night Veronica and Archie were in my living room. B-"woah what the hell?!" I asked startled by them being inside my apartment. V-"B! Hi! We wanted to come see you, but since you weren't here we decided to wait!" B-"you couldn't have texted me that you were here?" A-"sorry, we didn't think of it." B-"it's fine." I said walking into my kitchen to get something to eat. V-"so what were you doing today?" Veronica asked as the two of them followed me into the kitchen. B-"I was at the studio" V-"fun! Did you get to record anything with anyone? I know you usually have one person when it comes to albums." B-"uh yeah actually I did" A-"who was it?"
B-"Jughead Jones" A-"wait? As in the Jughead I'm working with right now?" B-"uh yeah. How many other Jugheads are there?" A-"I didn't know you two knew each other." B-"he sent me a dm the other day, and I thought it would be fun to work with someone new."

Veronica POV

Archie pulled me into another room so that Betty couldn't hear our conversation. A-"I'm worried that Betty is gonna catch feelings for him." V-"why would you worry about that? You two aren't actually dating." A-"yes, but if they start dating then they would wanna go public." V-"you don't know that. Besides the time will come at some point when you guys have to say you 'broke up." A-"you're right." He sighed and I walked back over to Betty. B-"what was that about?" V-"he's just being paranoid about something. It's fine." I said smiling. V-"do you wanna watch a movie?" B-"sure, why not" she shrugged.

Jughead POV

I'm not gonna lie, I really like Betty, but I feel like she would never like me like that. I laid down on my bed and just stared at the ceiling thinking about her. I've never felt feelings for someone this quickly, it was new to me. I was about to fall asleep but I heard a text chime on my phone. I went to check it and saw it was a text from Archie.
A-let's go get a late dinner
J-why exactly
A-I wanna talk about something
A-I'll meet you outside your apartment building
I closed my phone and got up. "What does he want to talk about" I thought to myself. I quickly made sure that I looked okay before going downstairs and waiting on a bench outside. Archie came walking up not long after I sat down. J-"jeez that was quick"
A-"yeah I was at Betty's and she's not far from here. Let's go."

When we sat down in this restaurant he looked like something was really bothering him. J-Archie. What's wrong?" I asked confused. A-"I know this sounds weird but you can't be with Betty." J-"is this what you needed to talk to me about?" A-"yeah" J-"I already knew she's your girlfriend. You're fine, I won't steal her or whatever you're worried about."
A-"she's not my girlfriend." He whispered. J-"wait so I was right!" A-"what do you mean?" J-"I asked Betty if it was a promotional stunt and she dodged the question. I was right!" A-"yeah" he mumbled.
J-"no offense dude, but then what's the whole problem." A-"she's not my girlfriend, but she is mine." He said arrogantly. J-"she's not property. She's a human and you don't own her." A-"I never said I did." J-"yeah yeah, whatever. See you at work tomorrow." I said before getting up and leaving.

When I got home I fell onto my couch and texted Betty to tell her what happened.
J-your fake boyfriend is crazy
J-he was telling me you were his property basically
B-well he's my bf
J-he admitted that it's fake, so you can stop pretending
B-oh okay
J-why is he so possessive over you?
B-he may think that bc I don't date other people like he does then I just want him
J-wait he's dating someone else?
B-yeah Veronica Lodge
J-I thought he maybe had a crush on you but damn
B-if he does anything else crazy, feel free to message me. I'm gonna go to bed now tho
J-yeah alright

I went into my kitchen and grabbed a beer out of my fridge. I sat down at my desk and started writing another song. A certain blonde came to mind while I was writing down lyrics and I ended up not even noticing about the whole song being about Betty. It wasn't like I was gonna show it to anyone so I kept what I had.

Jeez this is so bad, anyways

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