Part 10

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Betty POV

The next morning I woke up alone on the couch. I looked at the coffee table in front of me and saw Jugheads phone, so I knew he didn't leave. I sat up when I heard a noise come from my kitchen and I saw him making himself a coffee. B-"hey jug" I said walking over to him. J-"good morning betts." He said pulling me into a hug as he continued to watch the coffee pour into the mug. I unwrapped myself from his arms and sat sat onto my counter. I rubbed my neck and tried to crack it and Jughead chuckled a little. J-"sorry, I should've moved you to your bed."
B-"no it's okay, I've fallen asleep on the couch before." I said smiling sweetly at him. I watched him take a sip of the freshly brewed coffee and then sitting the mug back down onto the counter. J-"so is there anything you want to do today, or are you busy?" B-"I have to meet with my manager in the afternoon, but I wanna go get breakfast with you." He smiled some what sheepishly J-"sounds good."

I went and got dressed into some more presentable but comfortable clothes and made my self look like I hadn't just slept on the couch before going back to jug while he was putting his shoes back on.
J-"ready?" B-"yep!" J-"where should we go?" B-"I saw there's a new bakery diner place nearby. We could try that." J-"sure!" He said before we walked out of my apartment and down onto the busy city streets. Surprisingly we only got stopped once on our way there and it was by paparazzi trying to get an interview or answers on why we were together. We didn't really say much and just told them we were friends and we were gonna get some food, before walking away quickly.

Jughead POV

B-"there it is." She said pointing at the diner across the street. When we got inside it wasn't very busy so it wasn't hard to find a booth to sit in. We sat down and I watched Betty as she looked over the menu in front of her. B-"is there something on me?" She asked when she noticed my stare. J-"you're gorgeous" she blushed and smiled at the compliment. B-"you better look at the menu Jones." She said still blushing. We both knew what we were gonna get so we started some small talk until a waitress came up to us. W-"what can I get y- Wait, aren't you two celebrities?! You're Elizabeth Cooper and Jughead Jones!" She said all excitedly making me and Betty laugh a little. B-"yeah" W-"do you mind if I get a picture with you guys?" B-"go for it!" Betty said as the waitress pulled out her phone to take a selfie. W-"oh my gosh, thank you guys!"
J-"it's no problem!" W-"well now, what can I get you guys?" We ordered and she went back into the kitchen, jumping excitedly.

B-"that was cute" Betty said smiling. I nodded my head in agreement J-"yeah it was" then there was a knock at the window next to us. We looked out and saw a group of people standing there with their phones and cameras out. We waved at them before both laughing slightly and started a light conversation before our food came out. We left the diner after we finished our food and Betty looked at her phone. B-"oh, well I should go meet with my manager. Talk to you later?" J-"yeah, text me when you're done." B-"okay. I love you" J-"I love you too" I said before Betty started walking away.

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