Part 3

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Archie POV

I was scrolling through TikTok and I saw this video of this one girl freaking out over the break up between Jessica and her boyfriend. I didn't really care until I realized that the name Jessica sounded familiar. "Jessica, wait isn't that Jugheads girlfriend?" I thought to myself. I wasn't that close with Jughead but we were friends so I decided to text him.
A-yo did u and ur gf break up?
J-I say so, she doesn't. How'd you know?
A-someone was freaking out on TikTok
J-did she say that we did?
A-I didn't see, want me to check?
J-go ahead

I went back onto TikTok and looked up Jessica's account. The top video was a video of her crying to a sad sound captioned 'f u Jughead.' I closed the app again and went back to messages
A-it seems like it
J-damn, I didn't think she would
J-she was acting like I didn't tell her I wanted to break up
A-she seems like a bitch
J-and a half
J-I'm just glad we're over, it was toxic af
A-you're a free man Jones

Betty POV

I knocked on Archies apartment door and heard a light "coming!" He opened the door and smiled excitedly. A-"Betty! What's up?" B-"I was gonna grab lunch, and wanted to know if you wanted to join?"
A-"let me put on my shoes then we can go!" He said smiling sweetly. B-"okay!" A-"let's go!" He said closing his door as we went on our way to our favorite lunch spot. There was a lot of paparazzi following us as we walked, taking pictures and trying to get mini interviews. We tried to ignore them as much as possible so that we could just enjoy what we were doing.

A few hours later I got home and dramatically dropped myself onto my couch. I was so tired of pretending to be dating Archie. I wanted to be able to love someone, but everyone believes that the two of us are dating. I was about to fall asleep but I felt my phone buzz. It was a notification from Instagram saying a verified person followed me. I went to see who it was and saw it was Jughead Jones. I went onto his profile to see what he looked like, and jeez he was hot. I followed him back because I knew he was Archies friend. *Jughead Jones sent you a message* my phone buzzed. I looked at my dms to see a message from him.

J-did THE Betty Cooper follow me back?
B-yeah, you're friends with Arch
J-isn't he your bf or something
B-yeah ig
J-ig? You two are very public how would that be complicated?
B-maybe my private life and public life are a little different Jughead
J-oh shit
J-it's a publicity stunt
B-what? No!
B-I love him very much
J-I'm friends with Archie, I know it's not all lovey dovey
B-what do you mean?
J-he doesn't talk about you
B-well why would he
J-because he talks about some girl named Veronica
B-it's not a publicity stunt
J-mkay Princess

I blushed a little reading the last message and then went into my room to change into comfier clothes. I put on my favourite sweatpants, and then sat down at my keyboard to write some music. I was playing around with chords and when I found a combination I started making up some lyrics. I started singing about a raven haired mysterious boy, and didn't fully realize I was singing about Jughead Jones until I thought through the lyrics again. I quickly made a voice memo of the song I had written, but I was planning on never releasing it.


@jugheadjones- I guess I should address that Jessica and I did break up

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@jugheadjones- I guess I should address that Jessica and I did break up. We just weren't amazing together, but I hope she can find the one sometime in her life❤️
Like by @archieandrews and 14,000,000 others

@jessecaj-u don't have to lie asshat
@jessnumber1fan- fuck you jughead!
@jessesworld-your an asshole

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