Chapter 33

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"Felix" I whispered again.

No!No!No! This cannot be happening.

I was scared. My head felt dizzy. This was it. My days in the daylight were over. He will hand me over to Chris and he will not show me any mercy. I was dead meat.

"Guess who is going to get a reward?" Felix started to laugh as he shoved his gun into the holster. "That's right... Me!!"

I had to leave. I had to find Hugh.

I turned around to run but I was too late. He caught me by the hair and smacked me against the very same tree I was hiding behind. My breath left me in a whoosh due to the impact and the side of my face stung . My shoulder throbbed in pain and I was able to gain control over myself. He had his body pressed against mine. My left hand was painfully brought behind me with a twist and I winced.

'Hold on to what can keep you alive' Sullivan had told me.

It was pain that kept me going. I tried to wiggle out of his hold but he pulled me back smacked me against the tree again. Blinding pain shot up my body and it brought me back to my senses. Every inch of my body hurt. 

"Oh baby I am going to turn you over to Chris but not before I have some fun myself. Just like old times" he whispered. "I must say babe, you are looking good now. I might keep you for a little longer"

He trapped me with his body. He had me pressed between him a tree, I could feel his hardness on my back. Felix began to grind against me. I felt bile rising in my throat. 

"I wish Rachel was here too. You know what? It was my fantasy to fuck you both together" he rasped. 

That did it. I elbowed him in the gut. Felix groaned and his grip loosened on me. I took this opportunity to remove his gun from his holster and kicked him between his legs. With a pain filled scream he fell down and I pointed the gun at him. I do not tolerate anyone talking about my sister that way. I didn't say anything because the situation was against me. 

"Bitch" He hissed. 

"Let the girls go" I said but he was in too much pain to say anything. 

Suddenly I felt a presence behind me, I turned around just in time to dodge a knife the was swung at me. It was one of their men, in fact a huge man. He came at me once again.

If I was going down today, I wasn't going without a fight.

I hit the man's wrist with the back of the gun I had, causing him to drop his knife and I threw him a right uppercut, my hand stung with the impact. I can swear I heard a cracking sound from his jaw. With a scream he stumbled away. He was furious. He started to run towards me, I had bruised his ego and he could break me like a tooth pick.

But I had decided. Not today.

"No" Felix screamed for the man to stop but he was far too gone to listen.

I pulled my right leg back and was ready. Once he was close enough I jumped and kicked him on the chest really hard. He stumbled back few steps and bent forward in agony and I brought my hands around his neck   and pulled his face down to my knee with all the strength I could muster. My knee hurt but that trick worked, I  watched as the man fell unconscious on the ground.

'You are much more powerful than you think Tia.' Sullivan's words rang in my mind. I mentally thanked him for training me.

"You don't like the easy way I see" he pulled out his phone, turning on the camera he took a picture of me. "Really pretty. Let me just quickly send it across to Christopher with the 'caption look what I found'"

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