chapter 30 (part a)

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"Hey, you've been in there for some time now. Is everything alright?" Vicky knocked at the bathroom door and said.

"Yeah. All good. I will be out in few minutes" I said.

I closed my eyes and blew out through my mouth.

My leg hurt really bad. Every step I took was a reminder of my wound. I could feel it pulsating beneath the bandage I gifted myself with. One thing I learnt from Jimmy was how to deal with wounds. That came in handy today. It hurt but, I did it any way as it kept the image of Chris away.

I reached for my comb and was working on my hair when I noticed that my hand was shaking again.

What was happening? I've been observing this for some time now.

This is so overwhelming. Finding out about Diane. How I behaved with Nathan. Seeing Chris everywhere I go. Above all, Eugene was in Russia now. Was he with her? What does he feel for her? My head was a mess right now.

I did not understand why him being in Russia with another woman was making me so sad and angry at the same time.

Tying my hair into a ponytail and giving myself one last look in the mirror I stepped into my room.

"What took you so long?" Vicky asked sitting on the couch. She looked worried.

"Nothing . My hair was so tangled it took me some time to detangle it" I lied.

And she bought it.

"I brought your breakfast here, come on" She said tapping beside her.

I looked at her confused. We usually had food downstairs with everyone else.

"The guys are not available. Phoebe went with Emily to the church. That leaves just the both of us here."

I nodded and went to her. She had made my favorite Choco chip pancakes. I wasted no time in digging in.

"So what do you wanna do today? We have the whole house to ourselves" Vicky smiled wiggling her eyebrows.

"I don't know?"

"Don't you have anything in mind?"

I shook my head.

"Come on! Think of something. Anything you want to do. Maybe some gardening or build a blanket fort" she said.

"Build a what?"

"A blanket fort" she said again.

I have never heard of 'a blanket fort'.

"You don't know what a blanket Fort is?" she asked.

I shook my head.

"Then that's what we'll do today" She said excited.

"What?" I asked confused.

"It is going to be fun. Come on you'll see" She said taking my hand and pulled me out of my room.

Together we went to the store room. Turns out she was right, this was fun. We had a great time by grabbing blankets, pillows and a few chairs from around the house and setting them up in a room-like manner.

It was warm and cozy, unlike the cold Wisconsin weather outside.

"So what do you think?" Vicky asked as she entered our fort.

"Its beautiful Vicky. Thank you for showing me this " I was really grateful to her.

"Phoebe and I made them often while we were kids." She smiled. I knew she was remembering her happy childhood days.

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