chapter 14

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What will happen now? What does he want to talk? What is left to talk?

Eugene saw me yesterday. He saw more than I ever wanted him to see. He saw who I was. A poignant and broken girl . That is who I am. Yet he kissed me. Why? Moreover how did I get over the panic attack without my pills?

Who did this to you? Who are you scared of? Eugene's question rang in my mind.

I am sure he knows the truth by now. He knows about my past. There is nothing I can do to change that.

Either he will pity me or he will ask me to move out of his house, or both.

I am done with all this. Its time I face the reality.

Wiping my sweaty palms on my dress I took a deep breath to calm my raging heart and knocked on Eugene's office door.

"Come in" came his stern voice.

I opened the door and stepped in to find Hugh and Eugene by the table. Hugh's eyes widened for a second before composing himself.

"You wanted to see me?" I said.

"Yes. Wait there." he pointed towards the couch.

I sat down on the plush and bouncy couch. I was aware of the two pairs of eyes watching me intently.

"I will come back later" Hugh said and walked out, leaving me alone with Eugene.

Oh no!

Eugene stood up and walked towards me. With movement smooth as water he came and sat next to me, but in a safe distance. That did nothing to my poor heart that was ready to pop out of my chest any time.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

Here we go.

"I'm fine, thank you" I said.

"Are you?" he raised an eyebrow.

I did not trust my voice, so I nodded.

"Here is the thing Tiara, I hate liars. I don't tolerate them. So do yourself a favor and tell me the truth." He said.

You won't take the truth well. I wanted to say.

"I can't" I whispered.

"Yes, you can. No one will hurt you here." He said.

I couldn't. I just couldn't.

I wrapped my hands around myself, but froze when Eugene held both my hands and pulled it towards himself.

"Relax Tiara. I won't hurt you, I just want to know what happened to you" he said and rubbed the back of my hands with his own in a soothing manner, just like he did yesterday.

I tried to free my hands causing him to tighten the grip.

I closed my eyes.

This family has done so much for me and all I've done is throw lies on their faces. Maybe now I can decrease the amount of guilt I carry around by giving them a small part of me.

Oh god! please help me get through this.

I opened my eyes to see a pair of brown ones looking at me with undivided attention.

"What do you want to know Eugene?" I asked.

"Who are you?" was his first question.

"My name is Tiara Flores. I come from a bad neighborhood. Where nothing good ever happens to anyone except for the ones who are rich and powerful."

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