Chapter 24 (part a)

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I thought I would never have to do things I did when I was with the Hernandez'. But here I was running away once again. Only this time I'm literally running and I also have my wallet and phone. I can't believe out of all the people I went to Alison for help and she actually helped me.

"I was here to see you. I need your help" I said

"Yeah I would love to help you get out of this house" she said sarcastically. Little did she know that is exactly what I wanted.

"Thank you" I smiled and that was all she wanted to hear.

Alison helped me out through the servants quarters and I slipped through a sneaky exit while she created a silly scene to distract the guards. I should say the men guarding this place is very scary and vigilant compared to the Mexican' because I was caught almost thrice. Once I was out of the gate, I ran. I ran as fast as my legs would take.

After some time my legs felt like it was about to melt, I slowed down to catch my breath and looked around. There was a pond, a few people were jogging and exercising by the foot path. There were not many vehicles on the road since it was too early for that.

Where should I go?

Ramsey. I couldn't think of anyone else. I repeatedly called him but kept on going into voicemail. I tried to called Paul and Jimmy they were out of reach as well. Oh my god, what if something bad happened to them? No, that was not possible. They are fine. They have to be.

"Now what?" I sighed.

Nothing looked familiar, I didn't know where I was. I was lost.

Why do I do things without thinking? What did you do Tiara?

I pulled my hair in frustration. I felt like I was being watched. Everybody who passed me looked at me like I have grown two heads. I did not like it. I was scared.

I walked in some random direction not knowing what to do.

Suddenly my phone went off in my pocket startling me.


Oh no! what was I going to tell? She is going to be very angry. But I answered.


"Tiara Flores, I have three questions. One, why are you panting? Two, why is there a guard near the foyer looking at your room? Three, where the fuck are you?" she was whisper yelling. Oh boy she was angry. Also I was right about Eugene assigning a man to watch over me.

"Tia, are you alright?" she asked

"Vicky, did you tell the man that I'm not in my room?" I started to panic. If he finds out I was sure Eugene would find me in no time.

"No, I would've if you hadn't picked my call" she said

"Vicky I'm so sorry you had to find out like this. I cannot stay any longer in that house. So I left" I felt bad for her.

"What did my brother do?" How did she know? "I know Eugene can be a real douche sometimes. Tell me what he did."

"It doesn't matter now, I'm not coming back"

"I understand Tia. Don't worry, I will stall them as long as possible until you reach some place safe" she said. I smiled at her words. God I'm going to miss her so much.


"Where are you? You can tell me, I promise I will not tell Eugene where you are, but I need to know" she sounded really worried.

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