chapter 5

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*****mature content ahead, read at your own risk*****


Two weeks in Russia was hell. There has been an explosion in one of my safe houses. Some of my men lost their lives. Also someone broke into my father's office, whoever it was couldn't get anything as I have all the important documents in Wisconsin. I had some of the my private detectives to work on the case and found out that it was one of the mob leaders here, who thought they could take what belongs to me. But what was mine always stayed mine, I make sure of it. Those​ idiots are now hiding somewhere and will be brought to me soon.

I looked around the slightly busy club, waiting for one of my business associates for signing a deal. As soon as it was done I will be heading back to my estate.

The deal was signed. The man knew better than to mess with me. Once it was done I did not go back immediately, instead I sat down at the bar with a glass of vodka. My mind started to cloud with the thought of a certain someone... Tiara. I was really curious about her that I had my men  collect information on her. But they couldn't find much, also whatever they gathered seemed to be fake, like someone did that on purpose. She looks so innocent and fragile I feel like I need to protect her from the world. Again, I feel like I'm thinking with my dick.

I felt a hand on my thigh and looked up to see a girl with some heavy make up. She was wearing a black tight dress that reached just below her ass, it was clearly visible that her boobs and ass were struggling to stay in. And then, there was Tiara with absolutely no make up and is always fully clothed. I'm doing it again....Maybe I needed to get laid.

"Hey, can I buy you a drink?" I asked

"Sure handsome" she said with a seductive smile. "So do you want to drink it here or my room?"

"Where would the lady prefer?" I asked with a smile while emptying my glass in one shot.

"I would prefer my room upstairs"

"Then room it is" I smiled knowing I was about to get some relief.

In the elevator she threw herself on me and I caught her. She traced her finger over my jawline and leaned in to kiss me but I turned my head to the right. She frowned and looked at me confused.

"I am not into kissing." I said with a straight face. She was about to say something when the door opened. She just grabbed my hand and pulled me into a room. I stood there watching her while she locked the room and slowly turned around looking me in the eye as she reached for her zipper . The dress pooled around her feet and she stepped out wearing nothing but a black thong.

With confident steps she walked towards me and reached for my suit jacket. I grabbed her wrists and pushed her against the wall, pinning her hands on her side. She desperately started to grind body against mine. 

"Stop" I growled . Her eyes widened in shock. The thought of her touching me made me cringe.

"Listen if you want me, you will have to follow my rules." She nodded in response.

"Good. Don't touch me or say say anything. Got it?" She nodded again.

I removed my tie and tied her wrists together  and bent her over the table and ripped her flimsy thong and removed my pants along with boxers, freeing my erection. I opened a packet of condom.

"I'm on pills" she said.


"We won't be needing protection" was she serious? I didn't know and I didn't care. I wore the condom and thrust myself deep into her. I pulled back and pushed forward again. She was moaning loudly but strangely I didn't feel any pleasure.

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