chapter 9

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"Tia is nowhere to be found"

"Shit. Are you sure she has reached? She could be on the way" Hugh said to Arton

"Yes, I'm sure. There is a shopping bag on her bed, also the driver confirmed he dropped her back an hour ago" Arton said.

For the first time I regretted having a big estate. She could be anywhere, so could those bastards. Maybe they already found her.

No, I will not let anything happen to her. I was not going  sit here and wait for my men to find Tiara. I'll find her myself.

"Boss ,I found them" Liam said as he barged into my office.

I lurched forward and took my gun.

"Lets get them before they get to her" Hugh said

"Her?" Liam asked.

Since he was in the control room I guess he did not no about Tiara being here.

"Tiara is somewhere in the estate, we can't find her" I said

"What!?" Liam panicked. "Did you check the library?" He asked

"Yeah, she is not there" Arton replied.

"Fuck" he cussed

"What the fuck is going on?"I asked. Liam's state of distress was getting to me.

"Those fuckers have headed towards the woods . And I know even Tia would be there. She likes to spend time alone in the woods." He said.

His words were like needles piercing into my head.

"Let's go" I said and went towards the woods without waiting for anyone.

All I cared about was Tiara's safety. All I wanted was to see her.



'You will never know what's there at the bottom, unless you jump'  Sullivan's words.

I was in no mood for reading, so I decided to stroll around. While walking around I found an eminence from where I was looking down at the lake. It felt like I traveled back in time.

When Bianca and Robert were not around, Sullivan took me and his son Lucas to a nearby river. We would swim in the icy water until our bodies were numb. Sometimes Sullivan would drive while Lucas and I swam parallel to his car. That was the only time I could see the outside world, well not really because we sneaked out during the night.

Being a trusted person among the Mexicans, he had some advantages and a lot of disadvantages. But the Hernandez' had the upper hand. Sullivan's daughter Cheryl and Amara were always locked away . That was the only way the Mexicans could make us do anything, by holding our family hostage. I always succumbed to their demands to keep Amara safe. So Sullivan trained Lucas and me to take care of our sisters while he was gone.

"Come on, we have to get to the others" I heard someone say.

Slowly I moved towards the sound and found two wounded men. One of them was sitting on the ground while the other was asking him not to give up. A gasp escaped my mouth causing them to look at my direction.

"Oh my God, what happened? Is the estate under attack?" I asked them.

The men did not utter a word and their face showed no emotions. I should inform Eugene that his men are hurt.

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