chapter 1

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"Wake up sweetheart"  Chris said. 

I was awake and did not want to see his face so I pretended to be asleep.

"Wake up Merlin" his voice rough and intimidating. I mentally scoffed at the fact that I can't even have my own name. I turned to lay on my back only to find him looking at me with lustful eyes.

"Good morning sexy" he said in a seductive voice lying next to me nipping  my earlobe and  wrapped an arm around my bare waist that had me closing my eyes in disgust.

"Where are your​ manners Merlin? I'm going to be your husband tomorrow for fucks sake. Show me some respect or I'll punish you" his voice was controlled. 

Fear wrapped its ugly hands around me trying to pull me into the darkness. I can't let him punish me again , not today.

It took all the strength in me to say three little words. With a low voice I said "good morning Chris"

A wide grin spread across his face one that I used to admire. Now looking at it makes me doubt my very existence. I hate him.

"That's like my girl" he said and kissed me hard. I could feel bile rising up my throat.

He trailed wet kisses down my neck and bit hard on the nape and started to suck on it. I winced in pain as he repeated his action. With one swift movement he hovered on top of me pinning my hands above my head while adjusting himself between my legs. The fact that we were both naked did not help as well.

I closed my eyes and waited for hell to unleash on me, I knew what was coming next. Before he did anything his phone started to vibrate. Chris groaned as he reached for his phone.

"Hey man" he said and walked out to the balcony after wearing his boxers. I could see him through the glass door talking to someone in an animated way.

"Sorry babe, my friends have organized a bachelor's party so I'll have to get going . Also I won't be coming back tonight as the bride and groom cannot be seeing each other before the wedding. I know I'm going to leave you all by yourself after a long time so I want you to be at your best behavior. I'm trusting you Merlin, so I will not chain you. Do not make me regret this decision. Am I clear?" He said coming back to the room.

"Am I clear?" He asked again and I nodded weakly.

"Answer me" I felt his anger rising.

"Yes" I managed to find my voice.

I watched as he got dressed in a pair of blue pants and a crisp white shirt. Christopher Cafaro was a handsome man. His messy hair, hazel eyes and dimpled smile could make any girl fall at his feet. I was no different once. I was just a foolish girl who believed he was my knight in shining armor.  

"Can't get enough of me can you?" Chris winked at me. 

I looked away embarrassed that he caught me staring.  

"I'll see you tomorrow at the altar where you will become my wife. Do not do anything stupid and always remember YOU. ARE. MINE. ONLY. MINE. I. WILL. NEVER. LET. YOU. GO" he said and pulled me by my hair into a sitting position. 

I hissed at the pain the pain biting into my scalp. His hand loosened for a second before it wrapped around the back of my neck. Darkness seeped into my eyes.

'That's right bitch. Suck me like the whole you are' voices from my nightmares echoed in my head.   

Don't sink now Tia. I told myself. 

"I love you baby" Chris said and pressed a hard kiss on my lips. 

Once he released his hold I tried to take deep breaths but it came out in short pants. I heard the door slam shut behind me. 

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