Chapter 37

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"NO" The woman screamed as the man in the suit shot her husband. There was blood everywhere, fear paralyzed me. I didn't know who any of these people were, but my heart couldn't bear the loss.

Who are they?

When the man holding the gun turned , the woman stepped in front of me shielding me from him. She shook life a leaf from head to toe but she wanted to protect me. I could feel my heart  pounding. My vision was foggy and blur, but I still saw the man in the suit pointing his gun at the woman in front of me and she froze. This time she did not flinch or sob.

'Run away' I wanted to tell her. But my voice wouldn't come out.

I closed my eyes in silent prayer. Not knowing what to do when a loud shot rang in my ears.

I opened my eyes, pain rippled through me, everything hurt, and I shut my eyes once again. That vision again. It has been some time since it came back to haunt me.

"Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?" It was Emily's voice. I swallowed hard, my throat was parched and felt like sandpaper.

I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. I was in my room tucked in safely, the dull evening light that entered the room made everything much gloomier. I looked around and saw Emily sitting on my bed. Worried.

I sighed.

"Tia?" she called again. "Say something" Her voice shook like she was about to cry but I couldn't bring myself to feel bad for her.

I only felt my physical pain.

I closed my eyes.

"Tia, please tell me you remember me." She cried.

I did remember her. Why did she ask me that?

And then some of it came back. The fair, the women, Felix.

"Tia?" when Emily touched my shoulder, I flinched and sat up right on the bed. The sudden movement drowning me in pain. I took deep breaths and stood up. My legs shook as I walked to the bathroom, pain blinded me, and I welcomed it. Once I was inside, I closed the door and leaned against it.

I felt empty. My chest felt hollow. I quickly did my business and moved to the faucet to wash my hands when I caught my reflection on the mirror, I was ugly. Blue-black bruises covered my face and I looked away. Felix had done a number on me.

What happened to him? Did he tell someone he saw me?

I brought my hand under the running water, my knuckles healing from when I punched the man. What had me sucking in a sharp breath was my left hand. My engagement ring, it was gone and showing my scar. My hand went to my neck, the chain with my parents' rings were also gone.


More memories came back to me.

Him and I, in his hotel room, under the shower, on his bed.

He saw my body. He knows. How much does he know? Does he know I am Chris's fiancé? No, I don't think so, if he did, I wouldn't be here.

'Don't let them rape me again' I had said that to him.

I shuddered.

He would be disgusted. Of course, he would be.

I sighed.

When I opened the door Vicky was standing there along with Emily.

"Hey, you!" Vicky said and took a step towards me, and I took one back.

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