Chapter 41

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"Come on! you are just being polite, you can't like all of them." Marcus said. 

"No I really do!" I smiled making little origami animals I learnt from the videos Vicky showed me on the internet.   

This has been my routine for the past couple of days. Vicky and I speak to Marcus using her iPad while I do something crafty. He shows me how he bakes different kinds of desserts which later Phoebe or Liam collects for me. Each day is a better experience for my taste-buds. I can't have enough of it. In return, I would send him some of my craft work, that he puts on display on his night stand at his home. 

"She really does. I don't see her eating anything else like she eats what you send." Vicky added lying down next to me scrolling through her phone. 

She never leaves me alone. Even when Eugene comes. He made it a point to come see me everyday but it always ended up with the siblings fighting like cats and dogs to a level where it made me uncomfortable. Vicky was observant but not like Eugene, he catches on to my discomfort and would leave. 

"If you are interested, I can teach you to bake, for that you will have to come here." Marcus suggested. 

"I would love to, but you know leaving the estate seems to be difficult." I said honestly. After what happened at the fair I haven't left the house. Plus, Eugene has strictly ordered his men to not let me out. 

"Do you really want to go?" Vicky asked. She was already drowning in guilt because I went to the fair because it was what she wanted. 
I nodded. 

"Then let me figure out how I can take you to Marcus" she smiled. 

"Thanks Vicky" He said. 

I smiled. 

"You know Tia, every time you give me that small smile it feels like Christmas" he said and I felt warmth rushing to my cheeks. 

A sudden knock on the door rattled Vicky and she sat up. 

"Fuck! Eugene was at the site. He can't be here now." She picked up the iPad "We'll talk to you later Marcus. Gotta go" 

My insides did a weird dance at the thought of seeing Eugene. 

She disconnected the call and went to the door.

Vicky told me that the Eugene hates all of her male friends and that if he finds out about Marcus, he could hurt Marcus. And I kept quite because I enjoyed Marcus's company. 

She opened the door with an annoyed look on her face that quickly turned into a frown. 

"What are you doing here?" Vicky asked opening the door wider. 

"I came to check on Tia" 


I was really surprised seeing Stella at my door. She was wearing a tight leather pants  and red blouse paired a black jacket. Her lipstick matched the color of her blouse and her hair was tied into a tight bun. Stella was one intimidating woman. 

"Hi" she said to me.

"Hi?" I was not sure what was happening and Vicky's jaw looked like it would hit the floor any second. 

"How are you feeling?" 

I blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice. 

"You have been in this room for days now. Why don't you put on a jacket and I will take you to the lake." 


"I will take her" Vicky intervened. 

"You should have thought about it sooner. Now I am going with her." Stella turned to me "I'll wait outside the door." 

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