chapter 7

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**** Warning: triggering content ahead****


I sat down on the floor with my back against the door. My mind was clouded with so many thoughts and memories. I remember Amara telling me that she knew that her baby would be a boy, whom she would name Blake and in my dream I saw a little boy calling her mommy. I guess she was right.

It was refreshing to have a dream instead of a nightmare. Amara and I used to talk about having a normal life and family, even children. Both of us knew we were just bluffing, but those words were something we held onto. Both of us wanted our first child to be a boy and we even had the names picked out, her son would be called Blake and mine would be called Alan.

I was suddenly startled by a ping from my night stand. I quickly got up from the floor and walked towards the sound. It was my phone, indicating I had a message, but it was from an unknown number.I quickly opened it.

Tiara we are sorry for not being able to contact you. The Hernandez' and Chris are not leaving any stone unturned to look for you. They are furious. The Hernandez' are planning something big and by the look of it, this is going to be dirty. It will take some more time to get you out . Until then, take care and stay safe.
- Jimmy

This was the first time I heard from any of them once I left the Mexicans. What was going on in Chris's mind? What were they planning? 

I decided to reply.

What is going on? Please tell me you guys are fine.

We are fine. But out phones are being tapped so don't try to contact us, wait for us to reach you. We are not sure what those bastards are planning.
- J

Oh God. I hope nobody gets hurt. I will never forgive myself if they got hurt because of me.

I deleted all the messages and typed a new one.

Please get me out of here. I don't think I can hold on any longer. I'm scared.
- T

I sent it.

But then I remembered something and it shook me till my toes. I had switched off my phone and kept inside the drawer . But now it was turned on and was kept out side. I looked around the room. My bed cover was almost on the floor, how was this possible when I did not sleep in this room. This meant somebody was here. My warm and cozy room suddenly felt eerily cold and quiet.

My palms started to sweat. I was slightly shaking. I rubbed the back of my neck to ease some tension, I felt like I was being watched. My breath started to come out in pants and my vision blurred. I can't have a panic attack now. I rubbed my chest and took in deep breaths. Slowly my vision cleared and I was able to breathe normally.

I looked to my right and found that the door to my closet was opened. With silent and cautious steps I walked towards it and opened the door. It was empty, but my clothes were on the floor and so were my pills. Whoever the person was , knew I take antidepressants. My heart was racing in my ribcage.

I felt something warm on the side of my lips and the metallic taste of blood hit my tongue. I bought a shaky hand to my face and was shocked to see blood on my fingers. I turned to the mirror in my closet and gasped when I saw my nose bleeding.

Damnit! This had stopped over the years. Why now? Right from my childhood my nose bled when I was in stress. But it stopped when I was around the age of eighteen.

I grabbed a tissue and held it to my nose to stop the bleeding when I heard a sound. Oh my God, maybe that somebody was still here . I walked out of the closet and found nobody there. Then where did the sound come from?

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