chapter 8

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It has been two hours since we were roaming inside the mall. Apparently, Vicky and Phoebe has a weird explanation of celebration. For them it meant spending a lot of money. Thankfully now they've decided to have have lunch.

We gave our orders and were waiting for the food when someone approached our table.

"Victoria?" He asked

"Oh my God, Marcus" Vicky got up from her seat and hugged him.

"Thank God, the guards are waiting outside or else they would play football with this Marcus guy's head" Phoebe whispered into my ear.

"Meet my friends, this is Phoebe" he turned towards Phoebe

"Nice to meet you Phoebe" he shook her hand

"You too" Phoebe said

"And meet Tia" Vicky said. He turned to me and smiled.

He was tall, but not as tall as Eugene. He had green eyes and dirty blonde hair also a captivating smile. He was a sight to behold, a charmer. Now, I sound like Phoebe. I shook my head and looked at Marcus.

"Hello beautiful. I'm Marcus" he said and extended his hand.

"Tiara" I said while shaking his hand.

"You are really beautiful" he said, that caught me off guard. Heat rushed to my cheeks.

Suddenly, there was an awkward silence between us.

"Would you like to join us?" Vicky asked him

Why did she say that?

"Sure, I would be a moron if I let this chance slip away" he said and winked at me.


Even though there was an empty seat next to Vicky but Marcus chose to sit next to me.

"So Tiara, where are you from?"he asked

" G-Georgia" I replied

"What do you do?" Came his next question.

What am I supposed to answer for that. I'm on the run from my fiancé?

"Dude, what's up with the questions?" Phoebe asked.

"Nothing, just curious" he raised his hands in surrender.

Again, there was silence.

"That's a beautiful ring" he pointed at my hand and said.

This was why I didn't like going out. Everybody sees the past wrapped around my finger.

"I-I, its" I stuttered

"Oh that's her grandmother's ring, she wears it as a reminder of her favorite granny. Also, it keeps the guys away" Vicky said out of nowhere.

My head snapped towards her direction. She had a stupid grin on her face. What was she up to?

"Oops sorry, that was a secret. You see our Tia is a really shy girl. So she does everything possible to keep the boys away. Marcus, since you are my friend I told you this" Vicky said to him.

He turned towards me and smiled, a full blown smile. It made him look more handsome.

"Trust me on this, I'll not let another soul know the secret of that ring" he said.

Me too, I thought.

"Ugh... Tia would you like to hangout with me sometime?" Marcus asked.

What do I say? I don't want to go.

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