chapter 2

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It was dark and I heard Amara's slow and soft snoring beside me. I was worried for her , these merciless people have tortured her a lot that she was always scared. What have we done to deserve this kind of a life.

Suddenly I heard noises from the other cell of the basement, it was not something new.  Mr. Hernandez and Chris always tortured people in these cells. But Amara and I were their favorite toys. I got up and went to the door, surprisingly it was open so I moved towards the noise. They were beating up a man who was chained, he was covered in blood.

"Why did you do it?" Chris asked out of nowhere.

"Because they don't deserve this life. All of you are monsters", I froze the voice. A gasp escaped my mouth and tears rolled down my cheek.

Joseph Sullivan my godfather, my friend, my teacher.

I felt someone grab my wrist and turned me around and slapped me across my face. I fell down on the concrete floor with a thud, I looked up and saw Mrs. Hernandez.

"Mother" I whispered.

She pulled me by my hair and threw me inside the room where they were torturing Sullivan.

"Hello Merlin, finally the rat fell into the trap. Did you think that we forgot to lock your door?" Mr Hernandez asked.

"Father w-why are y-you h-hurting him?" I asked between my sobs.

"You see Merlin, Sullivan has been training my daughter in self-defense and shooting skills, against my knowledge." He said.

Father pulled me up by my hand and pinned me to the wall with a death grip on my neck.

"How long have you been whoring behind my back with him Merlin?" He asked while I fought for oxygen ,I couldn't speak.

"Six years.  I've been training her for six years" Sullivan answered for me . Father's eyes widened then I saw rage in them and he slapped me.

"It's okay Robert, I know what to do" Chris said and walked towards me. He took my hand and pulled me to the other end of the cell. He made me stand facing Sullivan and Chris stood behind me. He pressed a gun to my palm and hugged me from behind while resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Shoot him between his eyes babe. Let  me see your skills" he whispered.

"Please no! Please I beg you don't do this" I cried loudly.

"Okay it's either him or them, your choice" he said and pointed towards my right. I was shocked to see Sullivan's entire family tied to a pole. His wife Linda , daughter Cheryl and son Lucas.

"Please Chris don't do this, I'll do anything for you but not this. Please leave them alone" I cried

"Did you fuck him? Is that why you want to save that prick?"

"No. Oh my God how can you think like  that?"

"Well then prove it. Shoot him"

I looked at Sullivan and he was looking at me  with a small smile on his lips. I know he is asking me to be strong and to shoot him for the sake of his family. I closed my eyes and stood there without moving a limb. It made Chris furious, he took my hand that was holding the gun and aimed at Sullivan. He placed his forefinger on the trigger. I started to shake in fear I couldn't do anything, if I didn't, he would hurt Amara.

"Merlin, I will not repeat it again so listen carefully. Keep your eyes open while I blow that bastard's head or else his family will die too" he said

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