chapter 21

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"Is that a yes or a no?"


"Come on, please have some mercy on me woman." It has been a few days since Marcus has been asking me out. I denied it every time.

"Marcus I can't" I said. I felt so bad for him at this point.

"Can't or won't? Live a little Tia, you are young, beautiful and an amazing person. I want to know more about you. Alright don't think about it as a date instead think of it as going out with a friend. Pretty please" he whined.

A genuine smile tugged at my lips. It always did when I talk to him. Maybe I could give him some peace of mind. What would I do in the house anyways?

Eugene was still out of the country for business. He left Arton and Liam in charge here. Emily was getting better now, she was able to walk with the help of crutches. The girls were hooked up on some romantic series pretty hard. They watched it all the time. I even saw them crying a few times. Love stories were not my cup of tea.

"Ugh... getting old here" I heard Marcus' voice.

"Okay" I said.

"Please you... Wait! What?" and then his laughter rang in my ears "I feel like I have conquered the world"


"No you don't have to worry about anything. I will not over do it. It will be perfect. I promise I will not make you feel uncomfortable" he kept on talking.

"Marcus!" I raised my voice annd that brought him to an abrupt stop. "Can I speak now?"

"I'm sorry Tia. I just got a bit excited thinking about our date." He chuckled

"Its not a date Marcus. You said it was just going out with a friend." I said

"I won't say I'm happy but that is good for now" he said "I guess you don't want anything fancy"

"No fancy" I said.

I cut the call after deciding to meet him at his restaurant in the evening. It was new for me to take my own decisions and it was really good. It felt like my life was in my control.

I told Marcus that I would meet him. But how?

I should talk to Vicky.

I was going down the stairs when I saw Nathan entering the house. He tried to talk to me more than twice but I was not giving in. I increased my pace and headed straight for Vicky's room ignoring his presence. I did not want anyone to remind me of my past right now.

I explained the situation to Vicky and Phoebe. They listened with wide eyes and open mouth.

Both of them were more than happy to help.

"I mean I knew he was good but not this good to convince Tia to go on a date with him" Vicky said.

"Guys, its not a date." I corrected.

"Okay if that makes you feel better" she said


"Nothing. Come on Phoebe we need to get her ready." Clapping her hands together she ran out of her room.

I looked at Phoebe.

"She can get a little excited" she said

"I can see that"

Against all my protests Vicky had me wear a beautiful white dress. My hair was curled and was left free.

"Now let me do your make up" Vicky said.

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