chapter 27

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"Someone is desperately trying to grab our attention." Hugh said. "Yuri's child was abducted from the school this morning. Since they were under our radar the little boy was rescued on time. Besides whoever is behind all this did not want to hurt him, which is confusing. We couldn't catch all of them but we did manage to track one. When we reached his hide out, he was killed."

"That doesn't make any sense Hugh" I said.

"Like I said someone is trying to reach us"

"Alright, try to find out who is it as soon as possible. Increase the safety and protection around the family of our men." I said.

It was a tradition my father started. When someone signs himself off to the mafia, their families will be kept out of harm's way at all times. That is one of the major reasons my men are loyal.

"Boss" Arton called.


"The Cafaro's has become silent all of a sudden. They always left some bits and pieces trying to confuse us. Or at least they thought they could confuse us, but our team was smarter than theirs. And now we cannot spot any activities. They have erased themselves from the data base."

Those bastards are up to something. That is not good.

"They are plotting something" I said.

But what? I ran my hand through my hair.

"Whoever they have hired really knows what he or she is doing" Arton said.

I nodded.

"Let's wait and see. Don't slow down the tracking process, continue till you find something." I said.

"Yes boss" he said.

"It's late. We'll discuss the rest of the things tomorrow" it was half past eleven.

They were all leaving when I asked Liam to stay back.

"What were you telling Tiara earlier" I asked once we were alone. It really disturbs me to know that she was more relaxed around Liam than me.

"Oh that! It was nothing" he said with a smirk. "We were just catching up like the good old days in Ohio"

"Don't test your luck Liam." I warned.

"Hey, is the big man jealous?"

"Today is a really bad day to fuck with me Liam" I slammed my hand on the table and rose to my feet.

"Alright, alright" He said "She wasn't feeling well when I met her. So I asked her to call me if she needed anything. Jeez." He said.

"What the fuck? Why the hell didn't you tell me?" I grabbed him by the collar and pressed him against the wall.

I had to check on her to make sure she was fine. I let go off Liam with a push and rushed out of my office, with him on tow.

"Eugene she is just under the weather" Liam said as I was running up the stairs towards her room.

"I will decide that" I said.

I stopped outside her room holding on to the knob and twisted it gently so that if she was sleeping she would not be disturbed.

Pushing the door open I stepped inside, but she was not there.

Where could she be at this time? A weird feeling settled in my stomach. I walked further into the room and so did Liam.

A few more steps into the room and my whole world stopped. There she was.


She was lying on the floor. I couldn't see her face as her hair was fallen over her face.

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