chapter 22

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"I accept nothing but perfection." I said

"Yes Mr. Kozlovsky we will do our best" Vladimir said.

He was a software genius who was working with the other Russians, the Orlovis. He was the master mind behind hacking the biometric system in my father's office. The Orlovis' thought they could win but what they didn't know was that people like Vladimir was loyal to money. I bought Vladimir and his entire team. Now they will be my rats in the Orlovis estate.

"You will because you know what we are capable of" Stella said with a devilish smirk and I watched him swallow hard, he visibly paled.

She was an intimidating woman. Always by my side as a plus one or date in my business meetings and parties playing the perfect woman.

"I want you and your team to report Wisconsin. We're done for the day" I announced and got up from my seat. Like an ideal woman Stella stood up and fixed my suit jacket.

"Come on" I said.

I walked towards the door and held it open for Stella to walk through first. I walked out of the building and into the car followed by Stella and Hugh.

"Hugh, take care of the men that come in, follow them like a shadow, know their weaknesses. Make sure they are reliable and place them in our offices in Wisconsin, Colorado, New York, Ohio and Alaska. Once we know we can trust them place them among the Mexican" I said when the car started to move.

"Yes boss" he said.

I looked out of the window and watched as the buildings passed by. It has been a few days since I've been here in Russia and I couldn't wait to go back to my estate. All the sleepless nights have started to get to me. I massaged my temple with my fingers to ease this piercing headache.

I closed my eyes and saw the most beautiful pair of blue eyes, it instantly diminished my uneasiness.


Even though she was half way across the world she was constantly in my mind. Her smile, her scent and petite body when pressed against me. Her face when I kiss her, so flushed and shaky. Her lips when she nibbles on it.

What has she done to me?

I feel like a horny teenager who jerks off himself by imagining some girl. Damn it! I sound like a pussy.

"Boss we're here" I heard Stella, her finger dragged on my arm. I glared at her, I watched her flinch and retrieve her hand.

"The work here is done. Get the jet ready we'll leave in two hours" I said to Hugh and walked to my room.

Stripping out of my clothes I stepped into the shower. Warm water hit my body loosening my tense muscles. Closing my eyes I relaxed.

The brunette beauty invaded my senses. I reached for the shower gel and began to wash my body. My hands moved from my neck to my chest to my abdomen. As my hands lowered I envisioned Tiara's hands touching me, her soft hands caressing my body making me moan. I gripped my dick in my fist and hissed at how hard it was. I began to rub my hard on. Fuck! Tiara makes me painfully hard. I closed my eyes and imagined her. Tiara. Straddling me naked. I stroked my length and imagined it was her pumping me with her hand, so warm and soft. I could see her beautiful face as she pleasured me. The picture was so erotic that I found myself become harder, if that was even possible. I threw my head back and with a groan as I released my load down the shower.

I opened my eyes and I was still in shower masturbating like a fucking loner.


We were all seated in my jet. Both Hugh and I were glad to go back while Stella sat in the opposite seat wearing a grumpy expression. I scoffed looking at her, she was so sexually frustrated as she did not get any action throughout her stay in Russia.

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