chapter 15

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"Wake up sleepy head" I opened my eyes to see Vicky.

Yesterday night felt different. It was warm and nice. I don't remember the last time I slept peacefully. I vaguely remember some kind of a vision crawling into my head but it was swept away soon. Like someone was fighting my past along with me. That does not make any sense.

"Good morning" I said.

"Get up we have to go out" she said.

"What? Where?"

"Okay don't tell this to Phoebe." She said "I'm going to buy a surprise gift for Liam"

"Okay? But why can't you tell this to Phoebe?"

"Because I'm going to buy sexy lingerie, the edible ones" a small blush appeared on her face.

I was totally confused. Lingerie? That too for Liam?

On the other hand it gives me an opportunity to go out and refill my sleeping pills. I was in the last bottle and it won't last more than a week.

"Okay" I said.

"Great I will see you downstairs"

"What about my lens?" I asked.

"You can't have it" she said.



"Because you don't need it. Tia hiding behind those fake stuff will not change the reality. You are strong enough to face the reality as you are not by using a façade." She said

It was a new feeling. Having someone who had faith in me. Who believed in my strength. But-

Was I strong? No.

"Vicky I can't" I shook my head.

"Of course you can. You made it this far and the journey is long so you have to make some changes as you go. Take baby steps Tia."

"I don't think I can"

"I have faith in you. You are not alone, if you fall we are here to catch you. We are here to help you"

"What if I don't want help?"

"I don't remember giving you an option" she said and with that she walked out of the room.


Oddly it was refreshing, going out without the lens and to look myself. There were a few people in the mall who were giving me weird look but I chose to ignore it.

There were two guards following us everywhere we went.

How am l going to the druggist under their watch?

"I'm heading to the ladies room for a moment" Vicky said.

"Okay I will wait here" I said

Once she went inside I noticed that the men accompanying us were facing away from me.

This will be my only chance so I made a run for it.

I ran in the direction where I saw a pharmacy earlier and stopped only once I reached my destination.

"Hi can I help you?" A woman who looked like to be in her forties asked.

"Umm... yeah I want this" I said and gave her one of my empty bottles.

She read the name and went to look for it. She was doing her work real slow. It will take forever for her to find it.

"Excuse me ma'am? Can you make it a bit faster, my friend is waiting" I said and she nodded.

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