Chapter 30 (part-b)

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I thought I could spend the night with Diane and forget Tiara. But I couldn't. I just couldn't. So I pushed Diane away from me. I don't think I could bare another woman's touch.

"Didn't you miss me?" She asked a little hurt. Her accent slipping through her words. Diane was a proud woman and did not handle rejection very well.

I sighed and walked towards her living room, removing my suit jacket and sat down on her couch. Leaning back I closed my eyes. The silence was uncomfortable. A few minutes went by when I heard her footsteps reaching me. Her expensive and strong perfume surrounded my senses. I didn't open my eyes. I felt her hand on my forehead and her manicured hands moved to my hair massaging my scalp. There were times when her touch soothed me. Now I don't appreciate her touching me. It rather made me feel guilty.

"You seem tensed Eugene" She stated.

I didn't reply.

Diane walked around me and sat beside me on the couch.

One of her fingers ran down the length of my arm and stopped at my wrist. It traced the bruise made by Tiara's nails.

"It's a bad idea"

"Don't tell me what to do" I said trying to mask my irritation.

"Your father had a big empire at his feet. He built everything on his own. Things were going fine until your mother's betrayal. He became insane." She said. "I believe you won't make the same mistake. I trust you."

Her belief and trust did not matter to me. I gritted my teeth not wanting to disrespect her.

"What is it that you need Eugene? I can give you. Is it physical? Is it emotional? I have done it before and I will do it again." She said.

I refused to open my eyes. Meeting Diane was not going the way I imagined.

"Or is it power that you need. I have that too. You know I'm not a push over so you don't have to worry about me. If you are looking for a matrimonial agreement, I'm ready for that as well. Together we can build an empire ten times stronger. As for Wilson's promise to Han, it doesn't matter."

Diane sounded desperate. What was wrong with her? I have never seen her this way.

She was beautiful. There is no denying that. She was my type for a long time. She was the only type I knew for a long time. Mature, experienced, bold, and good in bed, no strings attached. They were not jealous, no emotional attachment; they knew the rules and never broke them. My wish was their command.

What changed?



She was unlike anyone I knew. Innocent. Kind. Pure. Sacred. Her soul was bruised and broken yet she is compassionate. She wants nothing to do with me. And me? Just the opposite.

I know she is determined. I realized when she met Nathan behind my back. Unfortunately for her my men are loyal to me. Nathan came to me before going to her room. He was ready to lie to her to protect her. He told me that she became aggressive and pounced on him  when he denied her the pills. But he let it slide. My men are not the ones to forgive. But Tiara gets away somehow. Though she doesn't realize she has my men wrapped around her finger. My men do not care about anyone and they do care about her.

I hate that she is always at war within but I'm relieved that when the time comes she will stand up for herself. She has got a trick or two in her pocket, I'll give her that. She managed to free herself from my hold bruising me. And I realized, somewhere inside her lies a warrior who vanished with the death of her sister.

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