Chapter 31

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As my car passed through the gates of my estate, a sense of excitement coursed through my body, one that has now become familiar within these months. When I stepped into the house I suddenly felt lighter. I felt happy. The thought of seeing her after eight fucking long days and holding her in my arms. It was all I wanted now.

I looked at my watch. It was late but not that late for her to be sleeping. I just had to find her. Just a glance of her face would be enough for me.

Entering the mansion I almost ran upstairs, taking two steps at a time. When I reached her door I stopped to try and calm my breathing, this sudden rush of blood. Taking a deep breath I knocked at her door and waited for her reply. When I heard nothing, I knocked again. This time I pushed open the door. Her room looked magical as always. Golden lights glittered across the room. But her room was not warm and I knew she was not in here.

Maybe she was with Emily.

I left the room in a haste closing the door abruptly and was walking towards Emily's room when I saw Hugh standing near the foyer.

"Alejandro said has some lead on the laptop" He said

"That was fast" I said. I had to know what it contained. I had to know if there was a threat to my family. I have to keep them safe. I have to keep her safe.

He nodded and looked away, but didn't say anything

He seemed to be having an internal conversation with himself. It was not like him.

"What is it?" I asked irritated.

"It's Tia" He said.

At the mention of her name and the look on his face, my eyes went wide in alarm. My heart started to pound in my chest.

"What happened? Where is she?" I asked.

Fuck! What if something went wrong?

"She is in the kitchen with Phoebe." He said as I was about to go when Hugh stopped me.

"Ask her to give you a glass of water" he said.


It didn't make any sense but I still found myself rushing down the stairs towards the kitchen and stopped outside the door.

"He is so nice" I heard Phoebe's voice.

"Yes he is and really kind. He does not make fun of me." That sweet voice. Hearing Tiara's voice was a relief, to know that she was fine.

"That is why you should give him a chance. Have you seen the way he looks at you? You both will look cute together" Phoebe said.

What the fuck? Who are they talking about?

"No Phoebe! He is just my friend" Tiara said.

"Well he does not see you as a friend. He wants to be more than just friends. Or else why would he put himself in so much trouble when he knew how it would end?" Phoebe reasoned.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and I stepped closer, standing right outside the kitchen. What was going on? Who are they talking about? A sudden rush of anger passed through me, one that could burn me. I did not like this feeling.

"Who are you talking about?" I stepped into the kitchen.

Phoebe was setting a tray of food while Tiara was sitting on the kitchen counter wearing a blue dress that stopped at her knee. Her hair tied into a messy bun. Her blue eyes were wide open in shock.

"Eugene?" My name barely a whisper on her lips. I would have missed it if wasn't looking at her the way I was.

"Eugene? When did you come?" Phoebe asked me.

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