Chapter 35

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'Please don't let them rape me again'

Her words kept ringing in my mind. It made me want to kill. And I will. I wanted to know the name of the man who hurt her. I wanted the name of anyone who fucking touched her. They were all dead men walking.

I had my doubts. We all did. I refused to believe it. I knew she has been through a lot of pain. But this? Every time she flinched away from my touch was an indicator and I ignored it. I fucking kept telling myself it was because...Fuck I kept lying to myself. I knew it. It was clear. I still don't want to believe Tiara has been through it. But the pain in my chest was unbearable knowing the truth. I fucking knew it all the while, her reaction when my hands touched the back of her neck. I knew what she was forced to do. I fucking knew it.

I looked down at her sleeping form. So calm and at peace when in reality she was anything but .

I touched the side of her neck where she had scratched herself. Just like that her peace was disrupted. Tiara whimpered at my touch and  turned away.

"P-please no" she whispered. 

"Princess its me" I said and moved over to her side, lying beside her I wrapped an arm around her and held her close to my body, her back to my front and hid my face in her hair. I wanted her to know it was me and not anyone from her past. 

A slight moan escaped her, one that was filled with pain. It made my chest bleed with tightness. I was feeling her pain.

"You are fine. You are safe with me princess. You have nothing to be afraid of." I said into her hair. Her breathing was labored. 

"Amara" a strangled sound left her. 

It was becoming painful for me to breathe. She was so lost. I wish there was something I could do to ease her pain. But there was nothing I could possibly do to help her. 

"Come back to me princess" I said. I don't know what painful memories she was reliving in her head.  I wanted it to stop. 

I wanted her to know she was safe and that it was my arm that was holding her right now. It took her few hours to calm down.

I held her until I heard a knock on the door. I propped up on my elbow and looked down at her once again. I brushed away few strands of unruly hair out of her face and pressed a kiss on her temple.

"I will be back" I said and got off the bed.

Opening the door I saw Nathan, Hugh and Liam waiting for me. Their postures tensed and in distress. I know they heard what Tiara had said earlier. Liam also looked like he wanted to kill. Considering how protective he is over Tiara I don't know how he is holding onto his calm. Fuck! I don't know how I am holding onto myself.

"Boss, we are lucky the substance injected in her isn't harmful. She will be fine." Nathan said. It did little to nothing to calm me. I was glad she would be fine. But that would only be her physical state.

"Our team has tested Tia's and the other girls' blood samples. The content was uniform. The girls in the hospital have started to regain their consciousness. Some of them did have some hallucinations and some are disoriented and dizzy. It will be like that for the next forty-eight hours. They will be under observation for the next two days. So we will have to keep an eye on Tia." he said and I nodded.

Nathan did not have to tell me that. I was going to watch over her. It was always difficult for her  to open up and to let someone in and after today it is going to be next to impossible. I will have to fight her for her and I was ready for that. But I was not going to give up on her. Not now, not ever.

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