Chapter One: Meeting the Undertaker

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

The journey in the carriage was long and bumpy, as death had his implacable fingers coiled around our supple necks. The year is 1887 and unfortunately, we have been put in an all too familiar situation: Another family member has perished. I looked over at my older brother who was blankly staring at the floor. I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes for a brief moment. I could hear the soft pitter-patter of rain hitting the roof of the carriage as we made our way into the town. It was quietly raining, yet loud enough for me to hear.

"Ciel, where exactly are we going?" I inquired of my brother. He quickly looked up at me, I must have pulled him out of deep thought. He sighed and gripped the golden handle of his cane tight.

"Oh, my apologies, it slipped my mind that you have never been here. We are going to a funeral parlor run acquaintance of mine?" He seemed to not be certain as to his relationship with this mysterious person.

"Would this acquaintance happen to be someone I've met?" He shook his head and looked back at the floor, a sign that he no longer wished to continue the mundane conversation. I accepted this subtle fact and looked back out the window. We were now in an unfamiliar area of London. The refined shops were now dwindling to abandoned homes and alleyways filled with the poorest of children. The carriage came to a halt and Sebastian, our butler, opened the door to help Ciel and me out. By the way his jacket hung by his side, I could tell that he had been soaked from the rain.

"I apologize, Sebastian. If I would have known it would rain I would have prompted you to bring an umbrella," I said to the butler who shook his head.

"There is no need, my lady. I appreciate your concern for my well-being, but I assure you that I am completely well. A little rain never hurt anyone," He chuckled to himself.

"You two, come along. We haven't all day to stand about and converse. You can do that to your heart's content once we return to the manor," Ciel instructed both of us to follow his lead. We walked down a seemingly abandoned alleyway. The poor who were lying on the ground were reaching for us, begging for just the smallest amount of money. It deeply troubled me to see that people in this great country still lived like this.

"My lady?" I looked up and saw Sebastian extend his hand to me. I took his hand and he helped me walk through the alley. Ciel stopped walking and turned to face a small shop. He signaled for Sebastian to come closer and he complied. As Sebastian opened the door for the both of us, I looked up at the sign that was loosely hung above the door. I could see that the screws that were supposed to support it were rusted and falling out. It seems like this sign has fallen a great many times. Undertaker? What an interesting choice for a shop. Granted, it is in fact a funeral parlor, but strange nonetheless. I tossed those thoughts away and focused on the present task. I walked through the door. The cold air from the inside hit my skin, sending shivers down my spine and rattling my bones. The shop's interior was dark, the only sources of light coming from various small and dimly lit candles around the room. There were coffins of various sizes and woods lined against the walls, some were even sitting in the middle of the room. I wonder if any bodies are inside?

"Undertaker, are you about?" Ciel shouted. When there was no answer I started to grow nervous.

"Maybe he is out at the moment-" I stopped when I heard the door shut behind me. I looked for Sebastian who was standing in front of us, he also seemed to be as confused as me. Ciel, however, seemed unfazed.

"My Lord, I was not expecting to see you so soon..." A voice said. Their voice echoed through the small parlor. I looked around, but I could not see anyone besides the three of us there. I felt a cold hand inch its way up my back and land on my shoulder and someone breath on the back of my neck. I yelped and jumped into the air, quickly running to my savior, Sebastian, and gripping onto his arm. I looked over at the mysterious figure and saw that it was a man. He had a confused look on his face, most likely from my frightful response. The odd thing was that his look suggested that he was somewhat hurt. His long silver hair almost managed to touch the floor in length and his eyes were covered by his bangs. I wonder what he looks like underneath his bangs?

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