Chapter Two: Sneaking way

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

I walked up the stairs, Sebastian by my side. He had a look in his eyes that told me that something was greatly bothering him. I tapped him on the shoulder and he snapped out of his thoughts.

"Yes, dear?" He asked. What happened to that butler aesthetic he loves so much? I let the informality slide as we kept walking.

"Is something bothering you. You seem a bit...distressed and out of sorts."

"Oh, please do not concern yourself with me. I am nothing more than a humble servant." We arrived at my room and Sebastian went to my wardrobe and chose a dress and a corset.

"Do I have to?" I asked him, a pleading look in my eyes. Sebastian chuckled and laid the dress on my bed.

"As adorable as you are, my lady, I'm afraid you must. We are having company over, and it's your cousin no less." I sighed and turned around.

"Fine, quick about it." Sebastian nodded his head and unbuttoned the back of my dress. He pulled the dress down my legs and I stepped out of it. He took the corset and placed it over my chest. His fingers grazed over my bare back making me tremble slightly. If there is one thing that I have learned about Sebastian, it's that he is ruthless when it comes to corsets. I gripped my bed frame, knowing full well what was coming.

"Are you ready?" He asked, huskily. I shook my head and he chuckled. I felt him wrap the string around his fingers as he laced the back. It was fine at the beginning, but he slowly made it tighter and tighter. I felt small drops of sweat trickle down my arms as it grew increasingly harder to breathe.

"S-Sebastian...ugh-" I tried to speak but he pulled tighter, making me gasp.

"Yes, my mistress..." I could feel his breath on my neck as I dug my nails deeper into the wooden bed frame.

"I swear you're going to KILL me in this thing!" I shouted at him. He chuckled and tied the last string.

"I doubt that any woman has died from wearing a corset." He said as he finished. I turned around and looked up at him. His cheeks were speckled with light blush as he looked down at me.

"Sebastian! How dare you! You took great pleasure in that didn't you?" He put his hand up to his mouth and started to laugh. "You bastard!" I shouted.

"I-I'm sorry, mistress. I couldn't help myself..." He was laughing much harder now.

"You know what?" I took his arm and pulled him over to the door and shoved him out of my room. "Just for that, I'm kicking you out." I saw the confused look on his face as I closed the door on him. I heard him knock gently on the door.

"Mistress, I'm sorry. Please, let me back in to assist you." I crossed my arms and walked over to my bed.

"No," I stated.

"...Very well then. I shall see you downstairs." I heard him walk off and I let out a sigh of relief. Damn you, Sebastian. Why do I put up with you sometimes?

"Because you have to. You rely on me." I turned my head around and saw him standing behind me.

"But I-You... I just-HOW?" Sebastian chuckled and walked over to me. I took a step back and hit my back against my bed frame.

"It matters not how I am here. Now, let's get you ready. Lady Elizabeth will be here any moment." I sighed and complied. It's not like I could get ready on my own. I've been relying on Sebastian ever since I was around ten years old. Before him, it was Tanaka and the other maids. I've never done anything on my own before. Sebastian slipped the dress over my head and buttoned the back. He handed me my gloves and I put them on my arms. These gloves were a gift from my mother. I miss her so very much.

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