Chapter Six: Better Times

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

As Sebastian promised he had returned with a large suitcase filled with many "essential" items.

"Now, I've brought all of your formal dresses as well as a few extras. I've also sorted all of your clothing into separate piles, for ease of access, as well as compiled enough clothing to create proper outfits for at least 4 months," Sebastian said as he ran through the list of all the items he had brought for me. "I also brought you some leaves of your favorite tea. Oh, as well as some chocolates," He shoved a box into my arms and smiled. "I do know how much you enjoy those. I can't say that I quite understand, but my opinion is irrelevant."


"I also brought some sheets from the manor. Don't worry they're not the ones from your bed, but they are silk. Just the way you like them! I had them washed by Mey-Rin only hours ago."


"I also brought you a pillow. However, I wasn't sure if you needed just one or two, so I brought three."


"Oh, I also brought some books for your enjoyment. I have brought the entire collected works of Shakespeare."

"Sebastian!" I shouted. He stopped mid-sentence and stared down at me.


"You've brought me too much!" I said as my hands were now full of chocolates, silk sheets, and pillows. He blinked a few times and sighed.

"Gracious, what am I thinking? My apologies, my lady, it would seem you are correct. I just wanted to be sure you had everything you could possibly need," He bent down and picked up my suitcase. "Shall I assist you?" I nodded my head and showed him upstairs. I entered my room and laid the items on the bed. Sebastian stopped in the doorway and looked around the room.

"You're going to sleep here?" He asked. By the way he was scanning the room I could tell he was beyond repulsed. The floors were dusty, bookshelves a mess, dead flowers still in vases. "I daresay this place needs a good tidying up...not to worry though. I, Sebastian, am at your service. It shall be done!"

"Sebastian I-" He put his finger to my lips to silence me and stroked my head.

"Shh, you needn't say a word. For I already know what you want. Now, sit down and I shall make this room fit for someone of your grace and stature." I sat and watched as he first began to organize the bookshelf. He ran his finger along the wooden boards and shook his head.

"What a shame this is. This kind of wood needs to be dusted and re-dusted every day. How unfortunate it is that it has been neglected and left in such a hideous state. He grabbed all the loose and crumbling papers and neatly stacked them in the corner. He took the Shakespeare and placed them on the shelf. He then took a step back and admired his work. "There. Isn't that just divine? there a mop anywhere?"

"Mhm, in the closet in the kitchen," I said and he took off. He returned seconds later with a bucket and mop. He scrubbed the floor until it sparkled. Finally, he emptied the vases and replaced the dead flowers with new, fresh ones. He wiped the sweat off his brow and smiled.

"Well, would you look at that? This looks like an entirely new room and one worthy to house you, might I add." He reached for my suitcase and opened it. He took each pile and carefully placed it into the wardrobe. He also hung up my dresses and coats. "There we go. All your clothing has been properly placed and ready to be worn."

"Thank you, Sebastian. What would I do without you?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Aha, I'm glad I can be of service to you. My lady, I'm going to miss you terribly. I was hoping to spend a little more time with you and now I have. I wish you didn't have to go, but there is nothing I can do. Unfortunately, I must be taking my leave. The young lord will get suspicious if he realizes how long I've been gone." We stood up and walked toward the door. Sebastian took my hand and kissed my knuckles. "Until we meet again, my dear." I watched him walk down the road until he was out of sight. I sighed and closed the door. I wish it didn't have to be this way either. I walked back to my now clean room and laid in bed. I miss you too, Sebastian...

Undertaker's P.O.V.

Once I saw the demon coming down the street I decided to head into town. I know how much he cares for her. Even in my long lifetime, I have never seen the kind of bond between human and demon quite like theirs. He loves her deeply and truly almost in the way that a parent loves their child. However, I believe there is something more to it. Her soul is one of the purest I've ever felt. Even after all the trauma and horrid things she has gone through, her soul remains as pure as the day she was born, which I remember all too well. You have no need to worry, my lord. She will remain safe under my watch. My only wish is to bring her joy and happiness; to protect her from harm. That was our solemn contract which I abide by. I do hope that you remember our agreement, little lord...

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