Chapter Sixteen: Vincent's Word

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*This chapter might not make any sense. I was a little confused. I came up with this idea last night and I needed to write this. I'm calling 'Ciel' Astre. I don't know why this exists especially since it goes against our betrothal to Alois. I wanted it to be that Vincent tells Ciel about their plan, but not Astre. Then Astre will piece it together and realize that she cannot marry Alois. I dunno.*

Chapter Sixteen: Vincent's Word

5 years ago

(Y/N) P.O.V.

The clock rang twelve. Today was December 14, otherwise known as my birthday. I was turning 10 years old.

"Astre, Ciel where are you hiding?"

I searched around the manor for my two brothers. I searched in the garden, the servant's quarters, even in mother and father's room. I had been looking for quite a while now. I plopped down on a chair in a hallway. I sighed deeply. I was about to give up when I heard a small scream come from the hall next to me. I stood up and ran down the hallway. There I saw Astre and Ciel sitting on the floor in front of a man wearing all black.

"Oh my, what do we have here~ Which one are you hmm? Well, in my humble opinion you are both Phantomhives."

The man asked. My brothers both looked absolutely terrified at the sight of this man. He looked in my direction and smiled.

"Lady (Y/N)!"

He shouted. He bent down low and opened his arms. I ran towards him and gave him a big hug.

"Mr. Undertaker! I'm so happy to see you again!"

He wrapped his arms around me and picked me up off the ground. He swung me around and sat me on top of his shoulders. I put my hands on top of his hat. Ciel and Astre looked at each other.

"You know this man?"

Ciel asked as he stepped forward. I nodded my head.

"Mhm! Father introduced me to him a few months ago at one of his meetings. Both of you were busy with Aunt Francis and father didn't want to leave me alone."

Astre stood up and dusted himself off. I took a piece of the Undertaker's hair and held it in my hands.

"Ah, Mr. Photographer what are you doing here?"

Another man walked down the hallway. He had a large camera hanging around his neck.

"Oh hello, Mr. Undertaker! I got myself a new camera. I was hoping I could try it out."

He looked at my brothers and smiled.

"How about you two. Would you like to have your picture taken?"

They nodded their heads as they sat on a small sofa in the hallway. The photographer took his time making sure everything was picture-perfect. I sighed.

"What's wrong deary?"

I shook my head.


"Oh there is no need to lie, you can tell me anything~"

"Okay...I feel so left out. Everyone always fancies my brothers over me. They all want to talk with them, take pictures with them, play games with them."

He pulled me off of his shoulders and placed me on the ground. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked at me.

"Don't worry deary. I love spending time with you. I'll talk with you, I'll play games with you. Let's take a picture together. Would you like that?"

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