Chapter Eighteen: Confessions

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*Yall know what's coming*

Key: (F/F) means Favorite Flowers

(Y/N) P.O.V.

Sebastian had stopped by a couple hours ago and much to my surprise, he looked unscathed. He didn't have a single scar on his body, it was quite remarkable. He assured me that Claude would trouble us no longer. It was a relief to hear that. Finally, things can get back to normal. Business has been slow, and the days now seem to drag on. Most of my time I spend sweeping the shop, dusting the shelves, and polishing the jars full of his guests' organs. Today, however, was different. I woke up early, as I always do, and put on my outfit for the day. Undertaker had purchased an outfit that looked just like his. Top hat and everything. It was actually quite comfortable. The sleeves were much too big, but it felt nice draped along my skin. I made my way downstairs only to be met with a somewhat stressed Undertaker. He noticed me and put on a smile. I sat down in a chair and crossed my legs.

"What's going on?"

He was pacing back and forth across the kitchen floor.

"Problem? There is no problem, I assure you."

I raised an eyebrow and he chuckled.

"I just have something very important that needs to be taken care of."

I took a biscuit from his jar on the table and broke off a piece.

"Let me help you."

He vigorously shook his head.

"No no, this is something that I need to do."

I squinted at him and took a bite out of the biscuit.

"Hmm, if you say so..."

This was certainly strange behavior, I mean he is always acting strange, but this was different. It seemed like he was hiding something from me. I decided it would be best not to press him for answers. The grandfather clock on the wall rang and Undertaker jumped up.

"I'll be back in a little bit, I have something I need to take care of. A customer will be coming soon, if I'm not back by then, I entrust you to take care of them. I'll be back soon, my darling."

He sprinted outside slamming the door behind him. I sat there and blinked a few times, attempting to process what just happened.

"My darling? That's a new one."

I shrugged my shoulders. I was used to him calling me names like that, though it did seem odd. I went to the closet to get a broom. The dust in the closet drifted its way into the air around me. My eyes slightly watered. I reached for the broom when I noticed something was attached to it. It was a small note, written in black ink.


I did all the sweeping, dusting, and polishing this morning. All the dishes are washed and all our clothing is cleaned. Enjoy yourself!

~ U.T.

I sighed as I closed the closet door. What am I going to do with myself? I sat down at Undertaker's desk and flipped through his record book. I traced my fingers along the pages. The book itself was very old, along with the pages inside of it. The paper was thin, discolored, and crinkled. Some of the pages had coffee and tea stains on them. I looked through them until I reached today's date. Today I was going to be meeting with someone named Albert Williams. His wife had recently passed away and he scheduled a meeting to discuss the arrangements for the funeral. I closed the book and propped my legs up on the table. Very unladylike I know, Sebastian would have been mortified if he saw this.

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