Chapter Twenty One: Undertaker is a Performer?

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(Y/N) P.O.V.


"Hello dearie" 

I stepped back in shock.

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked him with wide eyes. He chuckled and crossed his arms.

"Why, I'm here to audition as well."

"Why exactly?" I asked.  While I didn't mind his company, I certainly wasn't expecting this. 

"So I could be with you."

I looked down at the ground when I remembered what I was wearing. I got embarrassed and a blush formed on my cheeks.

"Sebastian, why is the Undertaker here?" Ciel asked with a slightly irritated tone in his voice.

"I cannot say, however, this could prove useful," Sebastian said as he put his hand up to his chin.

"How so?" Ciel asked.

"While we investigate we have someone to watch her!" Sebastian smiled and I frowned.

"I don't need someone to watch over me." Undertaker pulled me into a hug and smiled.

"At least I'll get to spend more time with you~"

I nodded my head.

"All right everyone! First up we have..."

Joker walked up to the woman at the front of the line.

"Miss Jenny!"

The woman walked forward and performed a gymnastics routine. It was quite amazing. Once she had taken a bow everyone started clapping.

"Very very nice! Who's next?"

We all kept slowly moving down the line. I tapped on Undertaker's shoulder and he kneeled down.

"What are you going to audition for?"

I whispered.

"Whatever you are."

He replied.

"Well, I'm trying out for a lion tamer...or in this case a tiger."

Undertaker chuckled and nodded his head.

"I'll make sure that we both get in."

I smiled and Undertaker stood back up. Eventually, it was my turn. Dagger approached me and took my hand.

"So we meet again Miss! It's wonderful to see you again...and in good health."

I smiled and he kissed the top of my hand.

"It's nice to see you too, Dagger."

He blushed and looked up at Undertaker. Even though his bangs were covering his eyes, I could tell he was giving Dagger a deadly glare.

"Anyway miss you're up next. What are you auditioning for?"

"Well, Joker said that I should try being a tiger trainer."

Dagger shook his head vigorously.

"No no no no...dear, you should try being a knife thrower. Here take one."

He took a knife out from his pocket and tossed it to me. I caught it and held it in my hands.

"Dearest, are you sure you want to try this?"

I nodded my head. Undertaker patted me on the back and shoved me forward.

"Righty-o miss, when you are ready try to hit the target."

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