Chapter Twenty-Two: First Day as a Performer

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Rustle rustle...I opened my eyes and looked around the tent. I glanced to the right of my bed and over to the bunk beds where the demon and reaper were 'sleeping'. Sebastian sat up and scooted over to the edge of his bed. William also sat up and picked up his death scythe and held it out in front of him, almost colliding with Sebastian's "beautiful" face. I leaned my head closer, to listen in to their conversation. I know I know it's rude, but I'm quite certain that Sebastian has overheard a great many of my conversations.

"Just where do you think you're going, demon? It's long past lights out...honestly."

William pushed up his glasses with his hand.

"Surely you can tell what is going on? Shouldn't you be out there as well?"

"I find it deeply offensive that one such as yourself thinks he has the right to question any rate, this is out of my purview. Please remember the terms of our agreement, do not go wandering about without your master."

Sebastian sighed and pushed William's death scythe down and away from him.

"I have no need to follow them, for my master never ordered me to. I am a loyal dog and I follow his orders scrupulously."

Sebastian said with a cheeky grin.

"That's one of the more ridiculous things I've ever heard."

William lowered his scythe and laid back in bed, as well as Sebastian. I felt someone turn over and wrap their arms around me, pulling me down. Oh right, Undertaker. I sighed and closed my eyes, attempting to get more sleep.

No One's P.O.V.

"Right, let's get moving..."

Joker stated and the group before him nodded. Joker took off running, the others following closely behind him. They needed to move quickly, the night was drawing to an end and a new day was fast approaching. The group ran into the nearby town and hid in the shadows. A police officer out on patrol strolled past them, twirling his baton in between his fingers.

"E-excuse me, sir..."

The police officer stopped in his tracks and faced a small girl. She was dirty and poor. She was holding a small basket that had a few flowers inside.

"Would you like to buy a flower? I need to get enough money for my mother...she is sick."

The man's face contorted into a look of pity and remorse. He crouched down and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Of course. You know, I have a girl at home who is about your age."

He put a hand in his pocket and took out three coins. The girl's smile brightened. She handed him the flowers and he gave her the money.

"Thank you so much, sir!"

He tipped his hat.

"It's no trouble. Now, run along home alright? It's dangerous to be out alone in the night like this."

She nodded her head and ran down the alleyway. The group that was hiding in the shadows emerged and stood in front of the girl. A beautiful song began to play and it seemed to put the girl into a trance. The world she knew disappeared and a new beautiful world took its place. The dirty, garbage-covered street, turned into a lovely field of flowers. Someone tapped on her shoulder and she turned around. Joker held out his hand.

"Are you ready princess? Your carriage is waiting for you."

He pointed behind her to a carriage not too far away from her. She nodded her head and skipped her way over to it. She dropped her items and walked deeper and deeper in. The police officer walked down the same alleyway that the girl was in and stopped. He noticed her basket and money lying in the street.

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