Chapter Twenty Nine: Secrets Uncovered and the Truth Is Found

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

"The Undertaker is a grim reaper?"

Ciel asked and we were both confused by all of this. Ryan rushed past us and headed down the stairs to where Undertaker was standing.

"So this was all just some elaborate trick? You told me we could use this device to control the corpses!"

Undertaker put a finger up to his chin and smirked.

"Perhaps I misspoke."

"Why would you do that?"

"I just couldn't help myself. You were trying so earnestly to bring the dead back to life using medicine and it was desperately amusing."

Undertaker seemed to be taking great joy in watching this man fall.

"I had a goal! I wanted to use medical knowledge to make the world a healthier place using medicine!"

"Did you though?"

Undertaker looked at Ryan and smirked.

"When you began relying on the technology I offered your work was no longer purely medical. Don't you see, a man who performs procedures on his patients without understanding how they work is no true doctor."

Ryan fell to the ground on his hands and knees.

"I- I just wanted to-"

He looked as though he was on the verge of tears. Undertaker walked over to him and placed his hand on his head.

"You believe every word I said, lapped up every lie I told like an eager puppy. That's a good boy..."

Ciel stepped forward.

"So to be clear, it was never Druitt masterminding the reanimation was all you."

Undertaker put his index finger to his lips and smiled.

"Do you think so?"

He took a few steps forward.

"Normally I would leave you guessing, but those phoenix poses were hilarious enough to purchase a veritable mountain of information so..."

He turned and faced me.

"I will tell you all. You are correct, I'm the one who reanimated our decomposing friends here."

He looked at me and I could tell he felt sorry.

"To what purpose?"

Undertaker looked down and tapped his Sobota on the ground.

"It's difficult to first I suppose I was just curious about people and immortality."

Undertaker stood in the center of the staircase and looked directly at me. I felt my heart skip a beat as his eyes seemed empty and cold. He sighed and looked around the room.

"When a person has a soul and a body of flesh and bones she is alive. She travels through life growing from child to adult and as she does all of her memories are inscribed in her cinematic records. Then when the body should at last perish, a reaper will appear to collect her soul. That is where the record ends, and the quick becomes the dead. That is the task of the grim reapers you see, we remove the soul from the bodies in which they were housed, thus ending each record at the appointed time. It's what we do day after day, without attachment, without incident. But after so much time spent reaping, my mind began to question. Until one day a thought occurred to me, what if there was more after the record reached its end. If I splice an additional footage so to speak after the point in which the soul was removed. Then what would happen to the body of the deceased?"

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